I was on the road for Thanks Giving. I took the GF to South Dakota to meet the family. When we got to Moms on Thanks Giving day, we had a little bit of a suprise. my ex wife and eldest daughter were there visiting. So my new GF has met my ex and daughter.
All in all it went pretty good. Nobody got shot stabbed, or punched, so it was a calm family get together.
Back in Kansas now and almost ready to face the real world again.
Happy FOD.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
They told me if I voted for McCain I would see constitutional rights violated
Well, I did not listen and voted for McCain. Now the rights of people who choose to fly are being violated by the government. The very government who is supposed to be defending that constitution. The 2012 campaign season is underway. Time to start veting the candidates and gettign rid of the dead wood oand fools via the primary process. There are 21 democrat incumbents plus two dependents who caucus with them for a total of 23 possible pickups. Of those, four are considered safe, five more most likely are. Nine of those are first termers in formerly red states. That means fifteen possible pickups for the republicans. Keep that in mind. Fifteen possible votes to end government abuse of American citizens in the name of freedom.
The asshates at TSA are missing the mark. What they are doing is the tactical or strategic equivelant of Straffing London with a P-51 Mustang as part of the effort to defeat Japan in WW2. Our government is stuck on stupid. but then when you have a leader who has never led anything, and no clue where to begin, this is what you get.
The asshates at TSA are missing the mark. What they are doing is the tactical or strategic equivelant of Straffing London with a P-51 Mustang as part of the effort to defeat Japan in WW2. Our government is stuck on stupid. but then when you have a leader who has never led anything, and no clue where to begin, this is what you get.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
What say?
Seems some dumb ass thinks a fair tax involves adjustments for those in high COL areas. GMAFB! People who live in Californication and New York deserve what they get. They not us midwest folks choose who is in charge there. They elect idiots like moonbeam and der Gropenfurer, and then whine about the results. get a clue dickweeds, if California is great, love it and live with it. If it aint, vote the ass hats out or move.
Costs should be higher in Mid America. After all, imported shit hits the coast and has virtually zero transport costs. Vegies and fruits grown on the coasts also have zero trans costs as well as all the junk imported from Eewrope. The reason it costs a ton to live in cAlifornia and new york is liberal party tricks. High taxes mean higher costs. Those costs incur more taxes, and the vicious cycle ends up costing the idiot voters a bundle. The ones who get fed up and move too often bring their failed ideas with them, the same dumb ideas that make California the utopia it isn't.
I hope Californians enjoy the next four years under moonbeam. CD, I hope you can afford to move and soon.
Costs should be higher in Mid America. After all, imported shit hits the coast and has virtually zero transport costs. Vegies and fruits grown on the coasts also have zero trans costs as well as all the junk imported from Eewrope. The reason it costs a ton to live in cAlifornia and new york is liberal party tricks. High taxes mean higher costs. Those costs incur more taxes, and the vicious cycle ends up costing the idiot voters a bundle. The ones who get fed up and move too often bring their failed ideas with them, the same dumb ideas that make California the utopia it isn't.
I hope Californians enjoy the next four years under moonbeam. CD, I hope you can afford to move and soon.
Friday, November 19, 2010
for useless dogwood.
Wow! I was wondering if you could tell me when the trial for Senator ensign will be held? Gee, I don't see anyone here defending Ensign. PS, most folks capitalize the first letter in names. As for what is done with him, that would be up to the senate ethics committee, currently chaired by democraps. I just don't want to miss it! I am so looking forward to you people standing behind him and saying that his situation is so much different than Rangels. Republicans weed out their problems, or they resign. Almost to a man, it is democraps who remain in the house or senate after getting in trouble. You all have Waters, Rangel, and Jefferson to deal with. Delay went out the door even though he was later found not guilty Larry Craig finished his term and left office. That is what you do, right? I don't stick up for Rangel I think he should be out of congress. The difference between me and you is I don't stick up for people just because they are in my party. You are hypocritical. All of you worship Reagan even though taxes were higher under him,Gee Wiz, I remember something called the Reagan tax CUTS. the deficit rose enormously under him. Bush turned the white house into an ATM for his rich buddies. Dude, it was Worthless Willie who was selling nights in the Lincoln bedroom. He passed tax cuts for the wealthy that WERE NOT PAID FOR. He started an illegal war that WAS NOT PAID FOR. In case you missed it, Worthless Willie repeatedly bombed Iraq. Yes, it was most likely to distract from his affairs with Monica,but every leading, or if you are correct, misleading dimocrap said Saddam needed to be removed from power. Difference is, Bush did it. Question for you, is the world to day better off with Saddam gone? We have had more Americans die in that war than on 9/11, makes sense right! And radical islam has lost hundreds of thousands of radicals. Better for that battle to be fought in shitholeistan then on American soil. You people can't stand Muslims and yet our men and women are fighting next to and for the Muslims in Afghanistan. I guess they hate America. Me thinks you have spent too much time in a pew at that retarded left wing preacher Fred Phelps' place. Yes, we despise islam, but then, their stated aim, and obvious efforts are to kill all us infidels. You people say the republicans will create jobs, unfortunately they will be all overseas thanks to all the tax breaks the republicans support for outsourcing. You mean like GATT, Al Bores brain fart? or NAFTA which worthless Willie got us into?You people claim to be pro life, but I guess that it depends on the age of the life. Some how you fail to understand that prolife and projustice are compatible. No unborn child has committed a crime worthy of death. Most of the scum in our prisons deserve to die in a most painful manner.You are against abortion in the case of rape or incest so a daughter can now give birth to her own brother or sister at the ripe old age of 12. We have no problem with making the kid a single parent statistic. That would help to deter other molesters from assaulting their daughters. How is it that you are pro life and pro war? How many babies died in Iraq while still inside their mothers womb? Most of them were slaughtered by their fellow muslims, not Americans. Ask that question of your beloved muslims why don't you? Oh and by the way, under my president every single tax payer will receive a tax cut, he is just against giving an additional cut to the wealthiest. Republicans say it is needed to create jobs and yet it's been in place for ten years and look where our economy is now. Prior to Nancy P Lousy, screecher of the house taking power, we had a booming economy. We also had several prominent republicans call on the dems to do something about the Fannie Mae Freddie Mac problem before the bubble burst. What was the DOW at when She took the reigns? Where is it now? What was the unemployment rate? Or should I say funemployment? The republicans voted against the small business tax cuts proposed by the president. More correctly they voted against all the other crap that was in the bill. Maybe if you people actually made a point without being hypocrites some might consider you relevant. As of now, all you show is your hatred of a black president. Why is race still an issue? Its his policies we hate, not the man. If you took a moment to look at national polls, you would see he remains popular, yet almost all of his policies are in low double or even single digit levels. Race is the new Godwins law. When you have nothing to use for evidence you always play the race card. Sorry, it doesn't work here. Yes, Obama is black. Yes, he is the worst president ever. Blacks will suffer because of that. Had the first black been a man who had some leadership ability such as Collin Powell, it would be very different. Instead, racists in the dem party chose an affirmative action figure head to ensure that no black would be a relevant figure for the next fifty years. By the way my dog has more intelligence in her paw than Sarah Palin has in her whole body. Ooh, that brings up the other point, if Sarah Palin weighed 200 lbs and had a unibrow no one would listen to a word she says. When I took to following what Palin was saying, I had no idea what she looked like, nor did I care. She was on point and correct. She was also very pregnant, certainly not something most guys consider a beauty point when deciding whether a lady is hot. Looks matter for you shallow democrats. Republicans listen to ideas. You people are so shallow. Well, I hope you have a great day! I hope it didn't hurt your brain too much by giving you too much accurate information. Too much accurate information? You gave us exactly zero accurate info. Dude, you missed the mark by a mile, and you were standing at the six meter line.
TSA searches
I cannot help but wonder what impact the TSA assaults would have had if they had been implemented a month sooner. America is in an uproar. The ones who are not pissed apparently do not travel. I fly but rarely. It has been nearly ten years since I was last on a commercial airliner, but I am still outraged.
It is my sincere hope that the incoming congress will not finance this abomination. That funding for the TSA will be slashed, and we will get smart about it. Profile baby. Eighty year old grannies are not attacking airplanes, its young men of middle east origin, and muslim cult brain washing. The Israeli's profile, we should as well. If the TSA would get their heads out of their asses, life would be so much better. Yes, It will mean a lawsuit by CAIR, but if we can get an appellate judge to throw it out before it comes to trial, and get the Supreme injustices of the court to back it up, we can hand them their asses, and a won way ticket to Kenya, along with the imposter in chief.
The best measures would be to 1. Arm Pilots. Make em all pack, and make em all qualify.
2. Air marshals on every flight. To conserve on man power, make em part of the crew, and keep them in a position where they are not rubbing elbows with the passengers.
3. Make plain cloths air marshals a little less obvious. Let em dress like regular folks, and figure a simple way to have them get their gun on board without making it obvious.
4. Bacon bullets. Arm every one of em with a round that consists of a compressed pellet of bacon in an acrylic case so it will break on impact and impart pork into the blood of any would be jihadist. let em know for sure they are going to hell.
The terrorists are winning. Not because they have caused more deaths destruction or mayhem, but because the GOV lets fear rule the day.
Again googoo wants me to capitalise muslim. Aint happening. maybe I should switch to mooslime.
It is my sincere hope that the incoming congress will not finance this abomination. That funding for the TSA will be slashed, and we will get smart about it. Profile baby. Eighty year old grannies are not attacking airplanes, its young men of middle east origin, and muslim cult brain washing. The Israeli's profile, we should as well. If the TSA would get their heads out of their asses, life would be so much better. Yes, It will mean a lawsuit by CAIR, but if we can get an appellate judge to throw it out before it comes to trial, and get the Supreme injustices of the court to back it up, we can hand them their asses, and a won way ticket to Kenya, along with the imposter in chief.
The best measures would be to 1. Arm Pilots. Make em all pack, and make em all qualify.
2. Air marshals on every flight. To conserve on man power, make em part of the crew, and keep them in a position where they are not rubbing elbows with the passengers.
3. Make plain cloths air marshals a little less obvious. Let em dress like regular folks, and figure a simple way to have them get their gun on board without making it obvious.
4. Bacon bullets. Arm every one of em with a round that consists of a compressed pellet of bacon in an acrylic case so it will break on impact and impart pork into the blood of any would be jihadist. let em know for sure they are going to hell.
The terrorists are winning. Not because they have caused more deaths destruction or mayhem, but because the GOV lets fear rule the day.
Again googoo wants me to capitalise muslim. Aint happening. maybe I should switch to mooslime.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Typical Democrat?
Seems the racist FBI has caught yet another poor misunderstood black politician in a financial mess. Jack Johnson and his wife have been arrested for various counts of evidence tampering and falsification.
Frankly it amazes me how the blacks in this country stand behind crooked politicians. Cold cash Jefferson, Charlie Rangel, Maxine Waters, and a host of other black crooks down to the local level garner unwavering support.I'm not sure if its a racial deal, or just typical democrats. When republican politicians are accused of wrong doing, their base bands together and demands they step down. Democrats, especially the black ones band together and defend the ugly deeds. I know blacks suffered a lot of oppression over the years, and it is as such normal for them to band together in defence. It looks bad, real BAD though when you band together behind a common criminal. Maybe its not racial, after all, democrats banded together behind serial rapist Worthless Willie Clinton. They defend Elliott Spitzer, and a slew of other democrat crooks as well. maybe its a mentality problem, but blacks in America are not helping their image to have shoddy politicians in their midst.
Frankly it amazes me how the blacks in this country stand behind crooked politicians. Cold cash Jefferson, Charlie Rangel, Maxine Waters, and a host of other black crooks down to the local level garner unwavering support.I'm not sure if its a racial deal, or just typical democrats. When republican politicians are accused of wrong doing, their base bands together and demands they step down. Democrats, especially the black ones band together and defend the ugly deeds. I know blacks suffered a lot of oppression over the years, and it is as such normal for them to band together in defence. It looks bad, real BAD though when you band together behind a common criminal. Maybe its not racial, after all, democrats banded together behind serial rapist Worthless Willie Clinton. They defend Elliott Spitzer, and a slew of other democrat crooks as well. maybe its a mentality problem, but blacks in America are not helping their image to have shoddy politicians in their midst.
Religion of Peace?
The religion of Piss is at it again. Seems a christian woman working with muslim women in Pakistan was told to fetch water. the muzzies objected, and later accused her of blaspheming the pedophile. Frankly, anything she might have said would have been a compliment, but that's beside the point. Islamic extremism is rampant. We have idiots here in America that deny it will happen here when muslims become stronger and more confident, just like it has not happened in France , England, Belgium and the rest of Europe.
People who think Islam is anything other then a gutter cult are clueless. Their oppression manual says to kill all infidels. That means you. It does not matter to them if you are an atheist, agnostic, Or Jew. heck, they go after their own varying sects with as much enthusiasm as they attack Israel.
A Kansas republican from Pretty Prairie forwarded an E-mail regarding muslims and whether they can be good Americans. By reading the comments, you get the impression that Topeka is full of clueless deniers who cannot see what Islam is through out the world. Its like befriending a serial child molester. He is gonna seem like a typical average guy. heck, you could trust him with your wife in most cases. Just not your prepubescent son. Islamics here are the same way. They behave because they are a weak group. They are missionaries sent to create a good impression here and convince people that islam is not violent, and that some how the violence in the rest of the world is the fault of nonislamics.
Asia Bibi has the misfortune of being Christian in an islamic controlled country. Depending on World outcry, she most likely will be executed, or lynched. Ever notice the Christian martyrs kill no one and are slaughtered by Satan's spawn? Yet islamic martyrs are the better known as splodydopes? Strange coincidence? probably not.
Googoo's spell check wants me to capitalize muslim. Fuck em, muslims do not deserve the respect.
People who think Islam is anything other then a gutter cult are clueless. Their oppression manual says to kill all infidels. That means you. It does not matter to them if you are an atheist, agnostic, Or Jew. heck, they go after their own varying sects with as much enthusiasm as they attack Israel.
A Kansas republican from Pretty Prairie forwarded an E-mail regarding muslims and whether they can be good Americans. By reading the comments, you get the impression that Topeka is full of clueless deniers who cannot see what Islam is through out the world. Its like befriending a serial child molester. He is gonna seem like a typical average guy. heck, you could trust him with your wife in most cases. Just not your prepubescent son. Islamics here are the same way. They behave because they are a weak group. They are missionaries sent to create a good impression here and convince people that islam is not violent, and that some how the violence in the rest of the world is the fault of nonislamics.
Asia Bibi has the misfortune of being Christian in an islamic controlled country. Depending on World outcry, she most likely will be executed, or lynched. Ever notice the Christian martyrs kill no one and are slaughtered by Satan's spawn? Yet islamic martyrs are the better known as splodydopes? Strange coincidence? probably not.
Googoo's spell check wants me to capitalize muslim. Fuck em, muslims do not deserve the respect.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Jarhead Stories
Several decades ago, I got to sit down with my Uncle, a Marine from WW1. Rudy had served in France. He had plenty of war stories, but when ever any neighbors or friends asked him about his time in the Corps, he would shrug and tell them, "You really don't want to know."
The occasion of our visit was the death of his brother. I was sitting at a table after the funeral with my nephew. He was in the Corps, and had come to the funeral in uniform. Rudy sat down with us and started talking about his time in the corps. At first it was stuff about boot camp, and his time at Camp Lejune after the Armistice. After a few stories though, he began to talk about combat. As a young guy about to head off for basic, I was especially interested in what he had to tell. He mentioned being wounded at Mon Planc, actually Monte Blanc but I misunderstood him. He was a machine gunner. They set up by a large tree that afforded some shade, and as the battle comenced, a shell from the artillery barage burst in the upper branches of the tree. Uncle Rudy got shrapnel from that in his back, and his assistant gunner who was sitting at his side caught it in the face. They were the first two casualties from their unit, and saddly, the only two from it to survive.
He was proud of his service, and rightly so. He was also torn by it, A native of Germany, he volunteered for service, and was sent to fight against his home country. That troubled him, but pride in his adopted home fueled him.
That day was the only time he opened up about his time in the service. Many of our soldiers and Marines come home with out physical wounds. The memories though can haunt them for a life time. Nearly all of them cope with it, but all of them are changed by it. Freedom isn't free. These men pay a price so we can be. Free.
Thanks Marines.
The occasion of our visit was the death of his brother. I was sitting at a table after the funeral with my nephew. He was in the Corps, and had come to the funeral in uniform. Rudy sat down with us and started talking about his time in the corps. At first it was stuff about boot camp, and his time at Camp Lejune after the Armistice. After a few stories though, he began to talk about combat. As a young guy about to head off for basic, I was especially interested in what he had to tell. He mentioned being wounded at Mon Planc, actually Monte Blanc but I misunderstood him. He was a machine gunner. They set up by a large tree that afforded some shade, and as the battle comenced, a shell from the artillery barage burst in the upper branches of the tree. Uncle Rudy got shrapnel from that in his back, and his assistant gunner who was sitting at his side caught it in the face. They were the first two casualties from their unit, and saddly, the only two from it to survive.
He was proud of his service, and rightly so. He was also torn by it, A native of Germany, he volunteered for service, and was sent to fight against his home country. That troubled him, but pride in his adopted home fueled him.
That day was the only time he opened up about his time in the service. Many of our soldiers and Marines come home with out physical wounds. The memories though can haunt them for a life time. Nearly all of them cope with it, but all of them are changed by it. Freedom isn't free. These men pay a price so we can be. Free.
Thanks Marines.
Happy Birthday Jarheads
On Nov. 10, the Marine Corps turns 232 years old. Ever since it was formed in a Philadelphia bar in 1775, the Corps has given Marines countless reasons to take pride in the heritage of their organization.
There is no shortage of instances in which Marine units and individuals have distinguished themselves in battle, but the bragging rights earned over the past 232 years weren't all born on the battlefield.
The Corps' culture sets it apart from other branches of the military in ways that those who have never earned the eagle, globe and anchor find difficult to fully understand. But what is obvious to even the most casual observer is that Marines distinguish themselves through their unique appearance, spirit and accomplishments.
To know the Corps is to love the Corps, which is why Marine Corps Times compiled the following list of 232 reasons to stand proudly at this year's birthday ball.
1. Cpl. Jason Dunham. First Marine to receive the Medal of Honor since Vietnam. If jumping on a grenade to save a buddy isn't worth the top of the list, nothing is.
2. Civilians have to find time to go to the gym. Marines get paid to go.
3. The National Museum of the Marine Corps. It's like a Smithsonian of leatherneck.
4. There's no such thing as an "ex" Marine.
5. Re-enlistment rates are higher IN the war zone.
6. Stink-proof socks. Well, almost. Systems Command is working on them.
7. Jalapeño cheese.
8. "Every Marine Into the Fight."
9. Lump-sum re-enlistment bonuses up to $80,000. Many of you would consider doing it for free.
10. New uniforms #1. Pixel-pattern cammies? Yeah, the Corps came up with that.
11. "Doc."
12. Flexed arm hang is harder than it looks. We tried it.
13. Barracks parties on non-payday weekends.
14. Marine Gunners.
15. The Wounded Warrior Regiment.
16. MarAdmin 266/07: Letting 18-year-old Marines drink on base at this year's birthday ball.
17. No receipt necessary for travel claim expenses less than $75.
18. The lance corporal underground.
19. Fallujah II.
21. Archibald Henderson's couch, re-upholstered, is still in the commandant's living room.
22. "No better friend, no worse enemy."
23. Typhoons approaching Okinawa often spark islandwide beer runs.
24. Waivers.
25. Gen. James Jones, who followed his tour as commandant with appointment as "supreme intergalactic overlord" (OK, it was Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, but close).
26. 10 rounds from the 500-yard line.
27. Per diem.
28. To civilians, every Marine is recon.
29. Recruiting in Texas is like hunting at the zoo.
30. The "boat cloak." Because every super hero needs a cape.
31. You can re-enlist in the IRR.
32. The wallet in your sock.
33. Motivating television commercials.
34. The "horse shoe" haircut, gone but not forgotten.
35. The global address list. Find your buddies and send them links to Marine Corps Times.
36. Running cadences that mention napalm. And Eskimos.
37. Stories that begin with, "So there I was ..."
38. Modified parade rest.
39. The transformation. Who you are when you join is not nearly as important as who you become.
40. Lt. Gen. Jim Mattis getting a fourth star.
41. If you've been on liberty in Twentynine Palms, you've been on liberty in Yuma and Barstow, too.
42. Grooming standards. Not only can you not act like a thug, you cannot look like a thug.
43. It's not the Army.
44. Women in Manhattan have all seen the Fleet Week episode of "Sex and the City."
45. Combat shotguns.
46. Combat Action Ribbons. IEDs count now, and should have counted all along. Duh.
47. The occasional free beer. Wear your blues into a bar and see what happens.
48. After decades of debate, there remains no resolution on whether sand fleas trump "The Reaper."
49. The Corps' doesn't call its officers, commissioned or not, "petty."
50. Cpl. Gareth Hawkins, lying on a stretcher after an IED shattered his leg, demanded re-enlistment before medical evacuation. And got it.
51. Whereas Army, Navy and Air Force jokes are funny, Marine jokes are potentially dangerous.
52. The occasional friendly debate. Refer to a Marine staff noncommissioned officer simply as "sergeant," and see what happens.
53. That troublesome "10 percent," making good Marines look great since 1775.
54. Everyone at a high school reunion is obliged to justify his last 10 years, except the guy wearing alphas.
55. As if ranks that include the words "master" and "gunnery" aren't intimidating enough on their own, the Corps uses them both. At once.
56. Soldiers have Hooah Bars. Marines have Ka-Bars. The second will generally get you the first.
57. The dress code. You can wear your cammies to meet the commandant or repair a tank.
58. From "Aliens" to "Doom," the future vision of warfare almost always includes Space Marines.
59. The Corps was formed in a bar.
60. Marines predicted the WWII campaigns in the Pacific years earlier and prepared for the inevitable. So when a Marine says, "Hey, I've been thinking …" perhaps you should take notes.
61. Give a Marine some free time, and he'll rip down your dictator's statue.
62. If it ain't raining, we ain't training.
64. Duty station garden spots: Jacksonville, N.C.; Yuma, Ariz.; Bridgeport, Calif.; Twentynine Palms, Calif. (Yes, we're kidding.)
65. Making morning PT on time.
66. Recruiters who promise everything EXCEPT a rose garden.
67. Mustangs #1. It's easier to take crap from a CO who went to boot camp.
69. Gen. Peter Pace, the first Marine chairman of the Joint Chiefs. He left his four-star insignia with his fallen comrades at the Vietnam Wall when he retired. Nice move.
70. The people zapper. Using microwave energy to disperse a crowd sounds like fun. Semper fry, gunny.
71. Nothing says "Good morning" like a mouthful of Copenhagen and freeze-dried coffee.
72. Nothing says "I love you" like a welcome home sheet hanging on a chain-link fence.
73. Bill Barnes. In June, the former Marine beat the crap out of a 27-year-old pickpocket who tried to make off with his dough. Oh yeah, he's 72.
74. Leftwich Trophy. Heisman winners only think they know about leaving it all on the field.
75. EOD. If you don't know why this is on the list, defuse the next IED yourself.
76. Tax-free combat pay. Doing what you signed up for and not having to give Uncle Sam a dime back.
77. Montford Point Marines. The first African-American Marines know a little something about honor, courage and commitment.
78. Front toward enemy. It's not just a visual reference on a Claymore mine, it's a Marine Corps way of life.
79. Mustangs #2. You know at least three Marines who drive them. It's like a Ford dealership exploded on base.
80. Fred Smith, founder of FedEx. Only a former Marine could truly appreciate the value of getting your mail on time.
81. CMC: The tallest member of the Joints Chiefs. OK, so we haven't actually measured, but he looks the tallest anyway.
82. No more spit shining boots.
83. Chuck Norris was in the Air Force. Steve McQueen was a Marine.
84. The Crucible.
85. 1/9, 2/9 and 3/9. Welcome back, fellas.
86. The FROG uniform. You are now sweat-wickin' AND flame-lickin'.
88. The M4. More rifles in the fight is generally a win-win.
89. MRAPs. Trucks straight out of Mad Max. We still love a good Humvee, but we loved jeeps, too. Things change.
90. Arty guys who do civil affairs. They blow it up, then they fix it. Circle of life.
91. Service Charlies. They look so good, the Navy's copying 'em.
92. Fake Marines. No one eats 'em up faster than real Marines.
93. John Lovell. A 71-year-old former Marine is sitting in a Subway restaurant when two armed men try to rob the place. Lovell grabs his .45, kills one and wounds the other. No word on how Lovell's sandwich fared.
94. 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines. Six Navy Crosses so far. Six.
95. Staff Sgt. Lawrence Dean II, aka the "BadAss Marine." He recites a poem. He gets uploaded to YouTube. Thousands get motivated.
96. Gen. James Conway takes over as the new commandant. Among his demands: a new PT uniform, new tattoo regs, a plan to add dress blues to the seabag, a change-up in medals and 22,000 more Marines. Someone's been thinking about taking over for a while, huh?
97. Body-fat standards. Everyone hates them, until they see a fat Marine.
98. "Jarhead." Only a former Marine could write a war story about not fighting anyone and make it last for 200 pages, then get Jamie Foxx to star in the movie.
99. The Stumps. The Rock. The Sandbox. Oh, the places you'll serve.
101. Tattoos #2. Getting a fallen friend's name tattooed on your other forearm, and knowing the same.
102. The new PT running suit. Sure, the Army had them first, but the Army gets most things first.
103. Marine expeditionary units: The cheapest cruise you'll ever take.
104. Camp Lejeune: The closest interstate and the nearest good shopping mall are both at least an hour away.
105. Camp Pendleton: There are roads and malls, but try affording a house near the main gate.
106. Tattoos #3. Meat tags. Getting your blood type and other info inked on your ribcage isn't necessarily a bad idea.
107. The Marine Corps is getting bigger. The Navy is getting smaller.
109. 30 days' paid vacation, plus federal holidays off, is obscene by civilian standards.
110. Maj. Gen. Marion E. Carl, the Corps' first fighter ace. First Marine to fly a helicopter. Two Navy Crosses, five Distinguished Flying Crosses, 14 air medals. In 1998, the 82-year-old was killed during a home break-in when he jumped in front of a shotgun blast aimed at his longtime wife, Edna.
111. Tattoos #4. Reaction to the new policy: Conway says sleeves are going away, Marines run for the chair. Tattoo parlors never saw so much business.
113. Guaranteed pay raises.
114. Marine Security Guard #1. Duty in the Bahamas.
115. Having a WWII Marine say he's proud of you
116. Drew Carey used to be in the Marine Corps Reserve. Now, he's the host of "The Price is Right."
117. Combatant diver pins. No more of that Navy crap.
118. A Red Stripe is a beer, mon. A Blood Stripe is a symbol of pride.
119. NMCI, if only they would remove the "MC."
120. You watched "300," and it reminded you of your unit.
121. The "Det One" .45 pistol. Designed by Marines, for Marines.
122. Combat marksmanship. You are creeping death. And you get graded on it.
123. Never lost six nukes on a plane.
124. CamelBaks. Water tastes like water again.
125. Give a Marine enough free time, and he'll marry your Bahraini princess.
126. Go to YouTube. Type in "bored Marines." Enjoy.
127. When the president gets on a helicopter, it's not called "Army One."
128. The opposite of the Peace Corps.
129. Camouflage. You can camouflage anything and make it cool.
130. No Fear #1. Marines aren't scared of anything. Except apricots. And Charms.
131. Combat optics on M16s. Leave the iron sights, just in case.
132. "Combat loss" amnesty for missing gear. It's like pleading the fifth.
133. Riding a chartered Continental Airlines flight home from the war zone with assault weapons stuffed in all the overhead compartments.
134. In combat, the division band becomes a heavy-machine-gun platoon.
135. What do headaches, broken bones, infectious diseases, missing limbs and hurt feelings all have in common? Motrin. Thanks, Doc.
137. Global instability equals job security.
138. When NMCI goes down, and it will, it's like having the day off.
139. The honor, privilege and responsibility of leading, mentoring and caring for junior Marines.
140. Gunnery sergeants. Don't know the answer? Ask the gunny. Need something? Ask the gunny. In trouble? Avoid the gunny.
141. Because gunny said so.
142. The line to get "tazed" at a military gear expo. Marines will do anything for a free T-shirt.
143. Deployment reunions. Like reliving your wedding night. Sweet!
144. Gig lines. Even in khakis and a polo shirt.
145. Eight-point covers. Even the uniform stands at attention.
146. Marine Security Guards #2. They're not cute and cuddly, but when they greet you at the door, it's like getting a great big hug from the United States of America, no matter where you are.
147. The Mameluke sword. Distinctive.
148. The NCO sword. Earned, never given.
149. The World Famous Mud Run. Thousands of people pay good money to run through 10 clicks of muck every year at Camp Pendleton.
150. John Philip Sousa. A Marine, the nation's March King and composer of "The Stars and Stripes Forever." Ooh-rah.
151. MRE crackers. Hard as Milk Bones but much tastier. You can almost feel your teeth getting cleaner as you eat 'em.
152. Jane Wayne Day. She'll never ask about work again.
153. Shirt stays. Or garters. Whatever you call them, they're a triple whammy, keeping your shirt tucked, your socks up and removing all that unwanted leg hair.
154. The slogans: "The Few, The Proud, The Marines." "We're Looking For a Few Good Men," "Once a Marine, always a Marine," "Tell that to the Marines." If they could only purchase the rights to Hallmark's "When You Care Enough to Send the Very Best."
155. Speaking of slogans, "The Few, The Proud, The Marines" beat out such notables as Nike's "Just Do It" and Burger King's "Have It Your Way" for a 2007 spot on the advertising Walk of Fame. Better luck next year, losers.
157. Real duty station garden spots you can go an entire career without being assigned to: Southern California; Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii; Okinawa, Japan.
158. Rear-party Marines. God bless them. Whatever reason they stay behind — injury, impending retirement or being volun-told — they are indispensable. They deserve medals for what they have to deal with while a unit is deployed.
159. While field-grade officers are at the company office, company-grade officers are in the field.
160. Colonels who can take a joke.
161. Free flu shots. And smallpox shots and anthrax shots …
162. Former Sgt. Chris Everhart. While camping with his three sons in June 2007, a bear snatched their cooler and made a play for his 6-year-old. Everhart threw an 18-inch log at the bear's head, cracking its skull before it could attack and killing it instantly. Then, the park ranger gave him a ticket for leaving the cooler where the bear could get it.
163. Standards. The Corps doesn't lower the bar when recruiting gets tough.
164. Jim Nabors. "Gomer Pyle" becomes an honorary Marine in 2001 and makes lance corporal. It takes him six years to pin on corporal. Talk about art imitating life.
165. Vincent D'Onofrio. The other "Private Pyle" is doing pretty well on "Law and Order: Criminal Intent." He's still weird, though.
166. If you ambush Capt. Brian Chontosh's boys, he's going to take off his Navy Cross and kill you. Then, he's going to pick up your rifle and kill your buddies. Then, he's going to pick up your buddy's rifle and kill your buddy's buddies. Then, he's going to pick up a rocket-propelled grenade launcher …
167. Speaking of the Navy Cross, a combat award second only to the Medal of Honor, Marines have earned 15 so far in Iraq, plus one in Afghanistan. Of the six awarded to sailors for those combat zones, five went to SEALs, and one went to a corpsman who exposed himself repeatedly to enemy fire to evacuate and treat wounded Marines. Along with Chontosh, the other recipients include:
168. Gunnery Sgt. Justin D. Lehew.
169. Lance Cpl. Joseph B. Perez.
170. Sgt. Scott C. Montoya.
171. Cpl. Marco A. Martinez.
172. Sgt. Willie L. Copeland.
173. Capt. Brent Morel (posthumous).
174. Sgt. Anthony L. Viggiani.
175. 1st Sgt. Bradley A. Kasal.
176. Cpl. Robert J. Mitchell.
177. Cpl. Dominic Esquibel.
178. Sgt. Jarrett A. Kraft.
179. Cpl. Jeremiah W. Workman.
180. Cpl. Todd Corbin.
181. Sgt. Aubrey L. McDade Jr.
182. Pfc. Christopher Adlesperger (posthumous).
183. Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Louis E. Fonseca.
184. Iwo JIMA. Japan might have changed the name to Iwo To, but that doesn't mean you have to acknowledge it.
185. Col. John Ripley. Received the Navy Cross for the destruction of the Dong Ha bridge in Vietnam. The Corps takes care of its own. In 2002, with Ripley near death, doctors finally found a donated liver for his much-needed transplant. So the Marine Corps sent helicopters and Marines to Philadelphia to retrieve it, and they personally rushed it back to Washington in time to save his life.
186. Marine Corps Times isn't a version of Navy Times anymore. How many careers get their own newspaper?
188. Gatorade bottles wrapped in green, 100 mph tape so as not to offend the sailors in the room.
189. Camaraderie. Marines will hook you up with their sisters, then punch you in the mouth for doing what they knew would happen the whole time.
190. Ingenuity. MRE bombs, 101 uses for cleaning rods and iPods wired into field radio speakers.
191. Getting off the ship.
192. Getting back on the ship.
193. No beach? No problem. Marines inserted 400 miles into landlocked Afghanistan and created Camp Rhino using CH-53 Sea Stallions. Imagine what you can invade with the Osprey.
194. Cases and cases of bottled water mean never having to stand behind a water bull.
195. Race as a nonissue. It wasn't always the case, but three black sergeants major of the Marine Corps in a row show that the Corps has only one color: green.
196. Every day in the Corps is another reason to celebrate. That's why they call them working "parties."
197. Riddick Bowe had what it took to be boxing's undisputed heavyweight champ. He did not have what it took to be a Marine.
198. The U.S. Army Band is called "Pershing's Own." The U.S. Marine Corps Band is called "The President's Own."
199. "8th and I." Ten bucks says you have no idea where the Army chief of staff lives. Commandants don't hide.
200. MRE "rat boxes." How grunts trick-or-treat.
201. The poncho liner. It's a blanket, it's a tent, it's a keeper.
202. Combat fit-reps. People say they're equal to regular fit-reps. People lie.
203. The "E-tool lean." Sailors don't know how good they have it.
204. Navy Lt. Vincent Capodanno, Medal of Honor recipient. If Marines have a hot line to heaven, Father Capodanno — aka the Grunt Padre — would take the call. His body peppered by shrapnel, his right hand nearly severed, the Navy chaplain and priest crisscrossed a Vietnam battlefield Sept. 4, 1967, to render last rites to his fallen Marines and corpsmen with 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines, until 27 rounds from an enemy machine gun took his life. Last year, the Vatican declared him a "servant of God." Next step, sainthood?
206. Amphibious warfare means always being near the beach.
207. No Fear #2. Talk about the AV-8B Harrier's troubled past all you like, but brave jump jet pilots are flying missions in Iraq.
208. New Uniforms #2. Wash-and-wear combat uniforms mean no more starch, no more dry cleaning.
209. Marine air-ground task force. Nothing like controlling the air and the ground.
210. Slapping an eagle, globe and anchor on the back of your car and knowing it'll get you out of at least one speeding ticket.
211. The Navy wants to put Marines back on warships. It seems that Tomahawk cruise missiles can't do everything.
212. Liberty in Thailand.
213. Liberty in Australia.
214. Liberty, well, anywhere.
215. The Navy's mascot is a goat. The Corps' mascot is a bulldog. You don't need Michael Vick to tell you who wins that fight.
216. If you need another occupying land force, you can use the Marine Corps. If you need another rapidly deployable, sea-based, front-door-kicking, air-ground team, you can't use the Army.
217. 1775 Rum Punch. Four parts dark rum, two parts lime juice, one part pure maple syrup, grenadine to taste.
218. "It's fun to shoot some people," said Lt. Gen. Jim Mattis. He says what he thinks.
219. The Beirut Memorial Wall. If you ever forget what you're fighting for, pay a visit.
221. "Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lieutenant Weinburg? I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago, and you curse the Marines. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know. That Santiago's death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. You don't want the truth because deep down, in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall. You need me on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punch line. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to." Jack Nicholson, "A Few Good Men."
222. Maj. Meghan McClung, Marine public affairs officer, killed by a roadside bomb in Iraq while escorting media. The PAO is more than just a spokesman.
223. Sgt. Rafael Peralta. Like Dunham, he hugged a grenade to save his buddies in Iraq. No Medal of Honor … yet.
224. Hearing an accidental discharge into the clearing barrel, then waiting for the lieutenant to walk inside.
225. Call signs like "Spider" and "Assassin," and these guys were generals.
227. Buttered noodles for breakfast.
228. "Every Marine should look like a Marine. But a Marine looks like a Marine when he's got a bayonet stuck in the enemy's chest." Gen. Robert Magnus, assistant commandant, discussing body-fat standards.
229. "Infantry" is the easiest job for recruiters to sell.
230. Being the youngest Marine at the ball.
231. Being the oldest Marine at the ball.
232. Barack Obama. If you can take the degredation of THAT as Commander in Chief and laugh, you can laugh at anything
233. Marine Corpse? Well, after all, his only contact with any corps is the White House press corps, and since Helen Thomas WAS the leading lady, *cough* its an understandable mistake.
234. Marine Corps Times appreciates all you do. Happy birthday, Marines!
235. The rest of us appreciate you as well. Thanks a bunch Jarheads!
There is no shortage of instances in which Marine units and individuals have distinguished themselves in battle, but the bragging rights earned over the past 232 years weren't all born on the battlefield.
The Corps' culture sets it apart from other branches of the military in ways that those who have never earned the eagle, globe and anchor find difficult to fully understand. But what is obvious to even the most casual observer is that Marines distinguish themselves through their unique appearance, spirit and accomplishments.
To know the Corps is to love the Corps, which is why Marine Corps Times compiled the following list of 232 reasons to stand proudly at this year's birthday ball.
1. Cpl. Jason Dunham. First Marine to receive the Medal of Honor since Vietnam. If jumping on a grenade to save a buddy isn't worth the top of the list, nothing is.
2. Civilians have to find time to go to the gym. Marines get paid to go.
3. The National Museum of the Marine Corps. It's like a Smithsonian of leatherneck.
4. There's no such thing as an "ex" Marine.
5. Re-enlistment rates are higher IN the war zone.
6. Stink-proof socks. Well, almost. Systems Command is working on them.
7. Jalapeño cheese.
8. "Every Marine Into the Fight."
9. Lump-sum re-enlistment bonuses up to $80,000. Many of you would consider doing it for free.
10. New uniforms #1. Pixel-pattern cammies? Yeah, the Corps came up with that.
11. "Doc."
12. Flexed arm hang is harder than it looks. We tried it.
13. Barracks parties on non-payday weekends.
14. Marine Gunners.
15. The Wounded Warrior Regiment.
16. MarAdmin 266/07: Letting 18-year-old Marines drink on base at this year's birthday ball.
17. No receipt necessary for travel claim expenses less than $75.
18. The lance corporal underground.
19. Fallujah II.
21. Archibald Henderson's couch, re-upholstered, is still in the commandant's living room.
22. "No better friend, no worse enemy."
23. Typhoons approaching Okinawa often spark islandwide beer runs.
24. Waivers.
25. Gen. James Jones, who followed his tour as commandant with appointment as "supreme intergalactic overlord" (OK, it was Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, but close).
26. 10 rounds from the 500-yard line.
27. Per diem.
28. To civilians, every Marine is recon.
29. Recruiting in Texas is like hunting at the zoo.
30. The "boat cloak." Because every super hero needs a cape.
31. You can re-enlist in the IRR.
32. The wallet in your sock.
33. Motivating television commercials.
34. The "horse shoe" haircut, gone but not forgotten.
35. The global address list. Find your buddies and send them links to Marine Corps Times.
36. Running cadences that mention napalm. And Eskimos.
37. Stories that begin with, "So there I was ..."
38. Modified parade rest.
39. The transformation. Who you are when you join is not nearly as important as who you become.
40. Lt. Gen. Jim Mattis getting a fourth star.
41. If you've been on liberty in Twentynine Palms, you've been on liberty in Yuma and Barstow, too.
42. Grooming standards. Not only can you not act like a thug, you cannot look like a thug.
43. It's not the Army.
44. Women in Manhattan have all seen the Fleet Week episode of "Sex and the City."
45. Combat shotguns.
46. Combat Action Ribbons. IEDs count now, and should have counted all along. Duh.
47. The occasional free beer. Wear your blues into a bar and see what happens.
48. After decades of debate, there remains no resolution on whether sand fleas trump "The Reaper."
49. The Corps' doesn't call its officers, commissioned or not, "petty."
50. Cpl. Gareth Hawkins, lying on a stretcher after an IED shattered his leg, demanded re-enlistment before medical evacuation. And got it.
51. Whereas Army, Navy and Air Force jokes are funny, Marine jokes are potentially dangerous.
52. The occasional friendly debate. Refer to a Marine staff noncommissioned officer simply as "sergeant," and see what happens.
53. That troublesome "10 percent," making good Marines look great since 1775.
54. Everyone at a high school reunion is obliged to justify his last 10 years, except the guy wearing alphas.
55. As if ranks that include the words "master" and "gunnery" aren't intimidating enough on their own, the Corps uses them both. At once.
56. Soldiers have Hooah Bars. Marines have Ka-Bars. The second will generally get you the first.
57. The dress code. You can wear your cammies to meet the commandant or repair a tank.
58. From "Aliens" to "Doom," the future vision of warfare almost always includes Space Marines.
59. The Corps was formed in a bar.
60. Marines predicted the WWII campaigns in the Pacific years earlier and prepared for the inevitable. So when a Marine says, "Hey, I've been thinking …" perhaps you should take notes.
61. Give a Marine some free time, and he'll rip down your dictator's statue.
62. If it ain't raining, we ain't training.
64. Duty station garden spots: Jacksonville, N.C.; Yuma, Ariz.; Bridgeport, Calif.; Twentynine Palms, Calif. (Yes, we're kidding.)
65. Making morning PT on time.
66. Recruiters who promise everything EXCEPT a rose garden.
67. Mustangs #1. It's easier to take crap from a CO who went to boot camp.
69. Gen. Peter Pace, the first Marine chairman of the Joint Chiefs. He left his four-star insignia with his fallen comrades at the Vietnam Wall when he retired. Nice move.
70. The people zapper. Using microwave energy to disperse a crowd sounds like fun. Semper fry, gunny.
71. Nothing says "Good morning" like a mouthful of Copenhagen and freeze-dried coffee.
72. Nothing says "I love you" like a welcome home sheet hanging on a chain-link fence.
73. Bill Barnes. In June, the former Marine beat the crap out of a 27-year-old pickpocket who tried to make off with his dough. Oh yeah, he's 72.
74. Leftwich Trophy. Heisman winners only think they know about leaving it all on the field.
75. EOD. If you don't know why this is on the list, defuse the next IED yourself.
76. Tax-free combat pay. Doing what you signed up for and not having to give Uncle Sam a dime back.
77. Montford Point Marines. The first African-American Marines know a little something about honor, courage and commitment.
78. Front toward enemy. It's not just a visual reference on a Claymore mine, it's a Marine Corps way of life.
79. Mustangs #2. You know at least three Marines who drive them. It's like a Ford dealership exploded on base.
80. Fred Smith, founder of FedEx. Only a former Marine could truly appreciate the value of getting your mail on time.
81. CMC: The tallest member of the Joints Chiefs. OK, so we haven't actually measured, but he looks the tallest anyway.
82. No more spit shining boots.
83. Chuck Norris was in the Air Force. Steve McQueen was a Marine.
84. The Crucible.
85. 1/9, 2/9 and 3/9. Welcome back, fellas.
86. The FROG uniform. You are now sweat-wickin' AND flame-lickin'.
88. The M4. More rifles in the fight is generally a win-win.
89. MRAPs. Trucks straight out of Mad Max. We still love a good Humvee, but we loved jeeps, too. Things change.
90. Arty guys who do civil affairs. They blow it up, then they fix it. Circle of life.
91. Service Charlies. They look so good, the Navy's copying 'em.
92. Fake Marines. No one eats 'em up faster than real Marines.
93. John Lovell. A 71-year-old former Marine is sitting in a Subway restaurant when two armed men try to rob the place. Lovell grabs his .45, kills one and wounds the other. No word on how Lovell's sandwich fared.
94. 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines. Six Navy Crosses so far. Six.
95. Staff Sgt. Lawrence Dean II, aka the "BadAss Marine." He recites a poem. He gets uploaded to YouTube. Thousands get motivated.
96. Gen. James Conway takes over as the new commandant. Among his demands: a new PT uniform, new tattoo regs, a plan to add dress blues to the seabag, a change-up in medals and 22,000 more Marines. Someone's been thinking about taking over for a while, huh?
97. Body-fat standards. Everyone hates them, until they see a fat Marine.
98. "Jarhead." Only a former Marine could write a war story about not fighting anyone and make it last for 200 pages, then get Jamie Foxx to star in the movie.
99. The Stumps. The Rock. The Sandbox. Oh, the places you'll serve.
101. Tattoos #2. Getting a fallen friend's name tattooed on your other forearm, and knowing the same.
102. The new PT running suit. Sure, the Army had them first, but the Army gets most things first.
103. Marine expeditionary units: The cheapest cruise you'll ever take.
104. Camp Lejeune: The closest interstate and the nearest good shopping mall are both at least an hour away.
105. Camp Pendleton: There are roads and malls, but try affording a house near the main gate.
106. Tattoos #3. Meat tags. Getting your blood type and other info inked on your ribcage isn't necessarily a bad idea.
107. The Marine Corps is getting bigger. The Navy is getting smaller.
109. 30 days' paid vacation, plus federal holidays off, is obscene by civilian standards.
110. Maj. Gen. Marion E. Carl, the Corps' first fighter ace. First Marine to fly a helicopter. Two Navy Crosses, five Distinguished Flying Crosses, 14 air medals. In 1998, the 82-year-old was killed during a home break-in when he jumped in front of a shotgun blast aimed at his longtime wife, Edna.
111. Tattoos #4. Reaction to the new policy: Conway says sleeves are going away, Marines run for the chair. Tattoo parlors never saw so much business.
113. Guaranteed pay raises.
114. Marine Security Guard #1. Duty in the Bahamas.
115. Having a WWII Marine say he's proud of you
116. Drew Carey used to be in the Marine Corps Reserve. Now, he's the host of "The Price is Right."
117. Combatant diver pins. No more of that Navy crap.
118. A Red Stripe is a beer, mon. A Blood Stripe is a symbol of pride.
119. NMCI, if only they would remove the "MC."
120. You watched "300," and it reminded you of your unit.
121. The "Det One" .45 pistol. Designed by Marines, for Marines.
122. Combat marksmanship. You are creeping death. And you get graded on it.
123. Never lost six nukes on a plane.
124. CamelBaks. Water tastes like water again.
125. Give a Marine enough free time, and he'll marry your Bahraini princess.
126. Go to YouTube. Type in "bored Marines." Enjoy.
127. When the president gets on a helicopter, it's not called "Army One."
128. The opposite of the Peace Corps.
129. Camouflage. You can camouflage anything and make it cool.
130. No Fear #1. Marines aren't scared of anything. Except apricots. And Charms.
131. Combat optics on M16s. Leave the iron sights, just in case.
132. "Combat loss" amnesty for missing gear. It's like pleading the fifth.
133. Riding a chartered Continental Airlines flight home from the war zone with assault weapons stuffed in all the overhead compartments.
134. In combat, the division band becomes a heavy-machine-gun platoon.
135. What do headaches, broken bones, infectious diseases, missing limbs and hurt feelings all have in common? Motrin. Thanks, Doc.
137. Global instability equals job security.
138. When NMCI goes down, and it will, it's like having the day off.
139. The honor, privilege and responsibility of leading, mentoring and caring for junior Marines.
140. Gunnery sergeants. Don't know the answer? Ask the gunny. Need something? Ask the gunny. In trouble? Avoid the gunny.
141. Because gunny said so.
142. The line to get "tazed" at a military gear expo. Marines will do anything for a free T-shirt.
143. Deployment reunions. Like reliving your wedding night. Sweet!
144. Gig lines. Even in khakis and a polo shirt.
145. Eight-point covers. Even the uniform stands at attention.
146. Marine Security Guards #2. They're not cute and cuddly, but when they greet you at the door, it's like getting a great big hug from the United States of America, no matter where you are.
147. The Mameluke sword. Distinctive.
148. The NCO sword. Earned, never given.
149. The World Famous Mud Run. Thousands of people pay good money to run through 10 clicks of muck every year at Camp Pendleton.
150. John Philip Sousa. A Marine, the nation's March King and composer of "The Stars and Stripes Forever." Ooh-rah.
151. MRE crackers. Hard as Milk Bones but much tastier. You can almost feel your teeth getting cleaner as you eat 'em.
152. Jane Wayne Day. She'll never ask about work again.
153. Shirt stays. Or garters. Whatever you call them, they're a triple whammy, keeping your shirt tucked, your socks up and removing all that unwanted leg hair.
154. The slogans: "The Few, The Proud, The Marines." "We're Looking For a Few Good Men," "Once a Marine, always a Marine," "Tell that to the Marines." If they could only purchase the rights to Hallmark's "When You Care Enough to Send the Very Best."
155. Speaking of slogans, "The Few, The Proud, The Marines" beat out such notables as Nike's "Just Do It" and Burger King's "Have It Your Way" for a 2007 spot on the advertising Walk of Fame. Better luck next year, losers.
157. Real duty station garden spots you can go an entire career without being assigned to: Southern California; Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii; Okinawa, Japan.
158. Rear-party Marines. God bless them. Whatever reason they stay behind — injury, impending retirement or being volun-told — they are indispensable. They deserve medals for what they have to deal with while a unit is deployed.
159. While field-grade officers are at the company office, company-grade officers are in the field.
160. Colonels who can take a joke.
161. Free flu shots. And smallpox shots and anthrax shots …
162. Former Sgt. Chris Everhart. While camping with his three sons in June 2007, a bear snatched their cooler and made a play for his 6-year-old. Everhart threw an 18-inch log at the bear's head, cracking its skull before it could attack and killing it instantly. Then, the park ranger gave him a ticket for leaving the cooler where the bear could get it.
163. Standards. The Corps doesn't lower the bar when recruiting gets tough.
164. Jim Nabors. "Gomer Pyle" becomes an honorary Marine in 2001 and makes lance corporal. It takes him six years to pin on corporal. Talk about art imitating life.
165. Vincent D'Onofrio. The other "Private Pyle" is doing pretty well on "Law and Order: Criminal Intent." He's still weird, though.
166. If you ambush Capt. Brian Chontosh's boys, he's going to take off his Navy Cross and kill you. Then, he's going to pick up your rifle and kill your buddies. Then, he's going to pick up your buddy's rifle and kill your buddy's buddies. Then, he's going to pick up a rocket-propelled grenade launcher …
167. Speaking of the Navy Cross, a combat award second only to the Medal of Honor, Marines have earned 15 so far in Iraq, plus one in Afghanistan. Of the six awarded to sailors for those combat zones, five went to SEALs, and one went to a corpsman who exposed himself repeatedly to enemy fire to evacuate and treat wounded Marines. Along with Chontosh, the other recipients include:
168. Gunnery Sgt. Justin D. Lehew.
169. Lance Cpl. Joseph B. Perez.
170. Sgt. Scott C. Montoya.
171. Cpl. Marco A. Martinez.
172. Sgt. Willie L. Copeland.
173. Capt. Brent Morel (posthumous).
174. Sgt. Anthony L. Viggiani.
175. 1st Sgt. Bradley A. Kasal.
176. Cpl. Robert J. Mitchell.
177. Cpl. Dominic Esquibel.
178. Sgt. Jarrett A. Kraft.
179. Cpl. Jeremiah W. Workman.
180. Cpl. Todd Corbin.
181. Sgt. Aubrey L. McDade Jr.
182. Pfc. Christopher Adlesperger (posthumous).
183. Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Louis E. Fonseca.
184. Iwo JIMA. Japan might have changed the name to Iwo To, but that doesn't mean you have to acknowledge it.
185. Col. John Ripley. Received the Navy Cross for the destruction of the Dong Ha bridge in Vietnam. The Corps takes care of its own. In 2002, with Ripley near death, doctors finally found a donated liver for his much-needed transplant. So the Marine Corps sent helicopters and Marines to Philadelphia to retrieve it, and they personally rushed it back to Washington in time to save his life.
186. Marine Corps Times isn't a version of Navy Times anymore. How many careers get their own newspaper?
188. Gatorade bottles wrapped in green, 100 mph tape so as not to offend the sailors in the room.
189. Camaraderie. Marines will hook you up with their sisters, then punch you in the mouth for doing what they knew would happen the whole time.
190. Ingenuity. MRE bombs, 101 uses for cleaning rods and iPods wired into field radio speakers.
191. Getting off the ship.
192. Getting back on the ship.
193. No beach? No problem. Marines inserted 400 miles into landlocked Afghanistan and created Camp Rhino using CH-53 Sea Stallions. Imagine what you can invade with the Osprey.
194. Cases and cases of bottled water mean never having to stand behind a water bull.
195. Race as a nonissue. It wasn't always the case, but three black sergeants major of the Marine Corps in a row show that the Corps has only one color: green.
196. Every day in the Corps is another reason to celebrate. That's why they call them working "parties."
197. Riddick Bowe had what it took to be boxing's undisputed heavyweight champ. He did not have what it took to be a Marine.
198. The U.S. Army Band is called "Pershing's Own." The U.S. Marine Corps Band is called "The President's Own."
199. "8th and I." Ten bucks says you have no idea where the Army chief of staff lives. Commandants don't hide.
200. MRE "rat boxes." How grunts trick-or-treat.
201. The poncho liner. It's a blanket, it's a tent, it's a keeper.
202. Combat fit-reps. People say they're equal to regular fit-reps. People lie.
203. The "E-tool lean." Sailors don't know how good they have it.
204. Navy Lt. Vincent Capodanno, Medal of Honor recipient. If Marines have a hot line to heaven, Father Capodanno — aka the Grunt Padre — would take the call. His body peppered by shrapnel, his right hand nearly severed, the Navy chaplain and priest crisscrossed a Vietnam battlefield Sept. 4, 1967, to render last rites to his fallen Marines and corpsmen with 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines, until 27 rounds from an enemy machine gun took his life. Last year, the Vatican declared him a "servant of God." Next step, sainthood?
206. Amphibious warfare means always being near the beach.
207. No Fear #2. Talk about the AV-8B Harrier's troubled past all you like, but brave jump jet pilots are flying missions in Iraq.
208. New Uniforms #2. Wash-and-wear combat uniforms mean no more starch, no more dry cleaning.
209. Marine air-ground task force. Nothing like controlling the air and the ground.
210. Slapping an eagle, globe and anchor on the back of your car and knowing it'll get you out of at least one speeding ticket.
211. The Navy wants to put Marines back on warships. It seems that Tomahawk cruise missiles can't do everything.
212. Liberty in Thailand.
213. Liberty in Australia.
214. Liberty, well, anywhere.
215. The Navy's mascot is a goat. The Corps' mascot is a bulldog. You don't need Michael Vick to tell you who wins that fight.
216. If you need another occupying land force, you can use the Marine Corps. If you need another rapidly deployable, sea-based, front-door-kicking, air-ground team, you can't use the Army.
217. 1775 Rum Punch. Four parts dark rum, two parts lime juice, one part pure maple syrup, grenadine to taste.
218. "It's fun to shoot some people," said Lt. Gen. Jim Mattis. He says what he thinks.
219. The Beirut Memorial Wall. If you ever forget what you're fighting for, pay a visit.
221. "Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lieutenant Weinburg? I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago, and you curse the Marines. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know. That Santiago's death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. You don't want the truth because deep down, in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall. You need me on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punch line. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to." Jack Nicholson, "A Few Good Men."
222. Maj. Meghan McClung, Marine public affairs officer, killed by a roadside bomb in Iraq while escorting media. The PAO is more than just a spokesman.
223. Sgt. Rafael Peralta. Like Dunham, he hugged a grenade to save his buddies in Iraq. No Medal of Honor … yet.
224. Hearing an accidental discharge into the clearing barrel, then waiting for the lieutenant to walk inside.
225. Call signs like "Spider" and "Assassin," and these guys were generals.
227. Buttered noodles for breakfast.
228. "Every Marine should look like a Marine. But a Marine looks like a Marine when he's got a bayonet stuck in the enemy's chest." Gen. Robert Magnus, assistant commandant, discussing body-fat standards.
229. "Infantry" is the easiest job for recruiters to sell.
230. Being the youngest Marine at the ball.
231. Being the oldest Marine at the ball.
232. Barack Obama. If you can take the degredation of THAT as Commander in Chief and laugh, you can laugh at anything
233. Marine Corpse? Well, after all, his only contact with any corps is the White House press corps, and since Helen Thomas WAS the leading lady, *cough* its an understandable mistake.
234. Marine Corps Times appreciates all you do. Happy birthday, Marines!
235. The rest of us appreciate you as well. Thanks a bunch Jarheads!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Our great Society
When LBJ created the great society in 1964, he signed the death knell of the black family as a domestic institution. Lwas whose stated aim was to end poverty and strengthen the family have instead destroyed it. Today 72% of black mothers are unwed. Among American Indians, the rate is 66% and 53% for hispanics. Whites and Asians are low with 29% and 17% respectively.
Accusations of racism accompany every mention of this tragedy, but we are supposed to be in a post racial realm now. We elected a black president, and have many blacks serving in congress and the courts.
I won't call it racism. It is pre and simple buying votes. democrats feed the black community a string of garbage that conservatives are racist. They show their compassion by funneking dollars into the welfare scam. To get those welfare dollars though a woman must be single, have children, and a limited education. A formula ripe for destruction of the family unit. Children born to single parents are more likely to perform poorly in school, be criminals, and use drugs. They als oare more apt to have children out of wedlock, fueling the fire that is destroying the black community in America.
I have been harping on this for a long time. Today, I found yet another article on this matter here.
We will not win as long as we reward BAD behavior. The cycle needs to be broken before it breaks America.
Accusations of racism accompany every mention of this tragedy, but we are supposed to be in a post racial realm now. We elected a black president, and have many blacks serving in congress and the courts.
I won't call it racism. It is pre and simple buying votes. democrats feed the black community a string of garbage that conservatives are racist. They show their compassion by funneking dollars into the welfare scam. To get those welfare dollars though a woman must be single, have children, and a limited education. A formula ripe for destruction of the family unit. Children born to single parents are more likely to perform poorly in school, be criminals, and use drugs. They als oare more apt to have children out of wedlock, fueling the fire that is destroying the black community in America.
I have been harping on this for a long time. Today, I found yet another article on this matter here.
We will not win as long as we reward BAD behavior. The cycle needs to be broken before it breaks America.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Jeff Foxworthy on Muslims
This is attributed to Jeff. Don't know if he said it, but some body did.
Jeff Foxworthy on Muslims:
"You Might Be a Muslim If":
1. You refine heroin for a living, but you have a moral objection to liquor.
2. You own a $3,000 machine gun and $5,000 rocket launcher, but you can't afford shoes.
3. You have more wives than teeth.
4. You wipe your butt with your bare hand, but consider bacon unclean."
5. You think vests come in two styles: bullet-proof and suicide.
6. You can't think of anyone you haven't declared Jihad against.
7. You consider television dangerous, but routinely carry explosives in your clothing.
8. You were amazed to discover that cell phones have uses other than setting off roadside bombs.
9. You have nothing against women and think every man should own at least four.
10. Your cousin is president of the United States.
11. You find this offensive or racist and don't get the humor in it.
h/t John
Jeff Foxworthy on Muslims:
"You Might Be a Muslim If":
1. You refine heroin for a living, but you have a moral objection to liquor.
2. You own a $3,000 machine gun and $5,000 rocket launcher, but you can't afford shoes.
3. You have more wives than teeth.
4. You wipe your butt with your bare hand, but consider bacon unclean."
5. You think vests come in two styles: bullet-proof and suicide.
6. You can't think of anyone you haven't declared Jihad against.
7. You consider television dangerous, but routinely carry explosives in your clothing.
8. You were amazed to discover that cell phones have uses other than setting off roadside bombs.
9. You have nothing against women and think every man should own at least four.
10. Your cousin is president of the United States.
11. You find this offensive or racist and don't get the humor in it.
h/t John
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
The 2012 campaign kicks off TODAY
Sick and tired of campaign trail rhetoric? hoping for a reprieve from the endless commercials telling you just how bad some candidate is? Not to worry, its all over for 2010. 2012 starts today. Its time now to review the vote, study the mistakes, and try to understand just how in the heck Californians could elect an idiot like moonbeam Jerry Clown as governor.
I understand pollution is a serious problem on the coast. Pollution has adverse effects on oxygen absorption in the body. Low O2 means low IQ. splains it all. Oh, and their school systems are an utter failure too.
Back on task, its time to start looking for viable candidates for 2012. We need honest conservatives without a closet full of skeletons. Work on educating your liberal neighbors as well. Smacking them upside the head with a bat is satisfying, but in only increases the level of brain damage. Better to flood them with facts, then sit back, a safe distance, and watch their heads explode.
Find a tea party person you can trust. vet them then promote them. get the ball rolling. When the primary arrives, do every thing in your power that is legal and ethical to get them elected. Then, on the day after the primary, get behind who ever won and support them, remember, better a RINO then a liberal/communist/ progressive/democrat jerk.
Thought you had a break coming? sorry. Just wait until October 2012 when the 2014 cycle kicks off a month earlier still.
I understand pollution is a serious problem on the coast. Pollution has adverse effects on oxygen absorption in the body. Low O2 means low IQ. splains it all. Oh, and their school systems are an utter failure too.
Back on task, its time to start looking for viable candidates for 2012. We need honest conservatives without a closet full of skeletons. Work on educating your liberal neighbors as well. Smacking them upside the head with a bat is satisfying, but in only increases the level of brain damage. Better to flood them with facts, then sit back, a safe distance, and watch their heads explode.
Find a tea party person you can trust. vet them then promote them. get the ball rolling. When the primary arrives, do every thing in your power that is legal and ethical to get them elected. Then, on the day after the primary, get behind who ever won and support them, remember, better a RINO then a liberal/communist/ progressive/democrat jerk.
Thought you had a break coming? sorry. Just wait until October 2012 when the 2014 cycle kicks off a month earlier still.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Nasty P Lousy Done
It looks like Nancy P Lousy is done as screacher of the house. She loses her private jet and will return to using a broom to comute from SanFranfreakshow to Washington. Unfortunately the voters of California aint smart enough to put her BAD economic policies to rest.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Tuesday FOD!
I know Mondays are Fuck Obama Day at the Criplets, but this week lets all make Tuesday a real Fuck Obama Day. Send him a message. He won't get it, he's that stoopid, but if even a few safe democrats find themselves unemployed, it will make a diffrence for hte next two years.
Don Surber is predicting a 5 seat gain for republicans. I would love to see a seven or eight deat slide myself.
So, on Tuesday, I implore you, send a message, tell Obama to go fuck himself, and your up-for-election-senator Good bye.
Don Surber is predicting a 5 seat gain for republicans. I would love to see a seven or eight deat slide myself.
So, on Tuesday, I implore you, send a message, tell Obama to go fuck himself, and your up-for-election-senator Good bye.
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