Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Smartest one on Campus?

Students at UC Bezerkly voting for their student body representatives elected a squirrel? Furry Boi is actually Stephen Boyle, a sophomore who made no promises and didn't even bother to attend the tabulations ceremony. BUT 538 airheads voted for him.
Possibly they thought they were voting for a real squirrel, one with fur, a tail, and a taste for hiding nuts. If that were the case, what can I say but they bow to their betters.
Maybe it is wrong to make fun of them. Maybe it is wrong to laugh at grown toddlers who eat Tide Pods and snort condoms. Maybe, but I'm gonna do it anyway.
Our education system has failed us. Their parents have failed them. To make matters worse, they are enabling this sort of stupidity if those kids return next year. Not all the kids in the California system are bad. Sadly though, some are worse. MUCH worse.
As for Stephen, the kid has a career in politics. In 2036, he will be on the ticket as a democrap, running for President, and the masses of educational failures who populate the democrap hell holes will vote for him!

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