Sunday, May 10, 2020

This does not apply to the Flynn case

Late last night Don Surber posted about Barry pardoning convicted liar and leaker General James Cartwright.
Barry is all butt hurt this weekend because the DOJ dropped all charges, fake and imaginary, against General Flynn. He said it was unprecedented.
After the CIA targeted Iran's nuclear weapons program, information was leaked by General Cartwright. He was subsequently questioned about the leaks, lied, was caught, and eventually pled guilty.
On the eve of his sentencing, Barry handed down a pardon. This was his eleventh hour flurry of pardons including Bradley Manning. I believed at the time it was because Barry wanted the info leaked. We know that he loves Iran more than America in spite of them routinely slaughtering homosexuals. I also believe the targeting of their nuclear program was done without his consent. remember, he sent them a plane stuffed with pallets of cold hard cash.
So as we can see, this is decidedly NOT an apples to apples comparison. Cartwright was possibly the only general Barry loved whereas Flynn was the one he hated the most.
Okay, that really does not matter. Cartwright committed a crime and lied. Flynn committed no crime.
Cartwright was convicted, Flynn was exonerated.
Cartwright was pardoned by the president. Flynn needed no pardon because justice was somewhat served.
Sorry, Don, you are comparing apples to Oranges, and as a college classmate of mine showed, they really are not that different.

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