There are a lot of people who are supporting gender diversity. I'm not one of them. If you want to be a pervert, fine, do it on your own time and keep out of my face with it. While sex serves several purposes, it's primary function is reproduction. As far as I know, humans are the only animal that can mate while facing each other. Birds and other mammals have sex with the participants facing the same direction. Humans can, and most do, have sex while facing each other. That is the other part of sex, strengthening the bond between a husband and wife.
Homo sex does not produce offspring. whether two men or two women, they are not capable of creating new life. Men and women impersonating the opposite sex must render themselves permanently incapable of reproduction,possibly the only good thing to come from their insanity.
Now to add to the hilarity, we have people wanting to be addressed as Ze or Xi or some other weird combination because they don't think, and imagine they are some sort of genetic anomaly. Sorry, but as the cartoon above notes, Bi means two, and too bad if you are upset.
So why LGCT? to acknowledge that your problem is that you are confused. Or would you like it to be LGIM for Lesbian, Gay, Insane, and Mutilated?
Yeah well, Mondays..... gifdump Part II
25 minutes ago
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