Mittens McRomney-Care, the ultra liberal RINO who was so left wing that voters could not discern a difference between him and Obama, has again shown his hate for the American People who soundly rejected him, by voting with the communists to end President Trump's border emergency declaration.
Never mind that we have seen massive numbers of illegals storming our borders in wave after wave. Never mind that the flow of drugs across our border is resulting in the over dose deaths of thousand of people every year. never mind that those same cartels are slaughtering innocent people through out Mexico and Central America in their quest for wealth. Never mind that women who are crossing the border illegally are being raped and sexuality exploited, girls as young as twelve and possibly younger are molested and put at risk of contracting serious STDs such as AIDS from the rabble who engage in human smuggling. Never mind that every person who crosses risks significant dangers and death from the natural elements. never mind the huge economic burden this has causes. never mind the huge ecological damage done by the smugglers.
By extension the folks in Utah who voted based solely on religion just as surely as Ilhan Omar's voters did when sending her racist ass to Washington did, are also guilty of this travesty. Oh well, mormonism and islam are both cults founded on sexual exploitation of women and not on GOD's word.
That rant over, I hang my head in shame as well as jackass Jerry moron err Moran also voted to support the Koch brothers and their desire for open borders to supply workers to be exploited and abused.
The senate would be a better chamber with twelve less filthy Communist loving RINOs. Time to Make America Great Again and flush these turds back to the funemployment line.
Chuck Schumer Tells the Truth?
11 minutes ago
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