Tuesday, March 3, 2020

it's stupid Tuesday

The democrats are reaping the reward of the mess they've sewn. Back in 2016 they let Fidel Sanders run on their ticket so as to keep him from an independent run. They knew he'd siphon off votes as his message appeals to the uneducated masses we now call college students.
Our campuses are full of kids with wild ideas. So many of them are taking classes in "studies" that have no relationship to reality, and who graduate with no marketable skills. Sander and his socialist message appeals to people with nothing to offer.
As a co-worker today said, the top .5% are the ones who reap the rewards, and the bottom 5% also benefit. Yes, if you have nothing to offer society, you still get fed in the bread line.They don't have to beg, they get free stuff. The donks understand how this message resonates with that crowd. After all, while they have no marketable skills, they attended university just as long, and paid borrowed just as money as  an engineer, and in some cases, a liar err lawyer or a doctor. Why shouldn't they get the six figure salaries? Fine with me, as long as the fourth from the left is a period.
Back in 2016, they harvested his base. essentially they let him run, then shafted him thanks to the Clinton machine. They were counting on the communists to give them the edge they needed to get the unlikeable hag over the threshold.
They are learning the hard way. eight years of bad policy has made communism more appealing to the fools who vote donkey. Now they've discovered they have a problem.
They let the camel get his nose under the tent flap. Like Germany during the Weimar years, conceding to the violent fringe has consequences. bad consequences. Yes, I know comparisons to NAZI Germany are verboten, screw it. It is History, and those who forget history are bound to repeat it. We are in danger of repeating it.
So far the donks have manage to blunt the message. Sanders helped by sticking his tongue in a light socket and using it to praise his real life hero, Fidel Castro. I'm surprised he didn't sing the praises of Zi, China might help him with opo research or voter suppression, or stopping the donks from defrauding him of his support.
In any case, the fools who vote leftard are going today to pick the next also ran.

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