Thursday, February 18, 2010

Court day.

Had my day in court with a former problem tenant. Needless to say, we won hands down. The long and the short of it was that I rented to a couple who broke up. She moved out, and after I told her she was personal non grata, she, to spite me, got a PFA on her old man and moved back in forcing him onto the streets. I then filed an eviction action and she left voluntarily. I decided to go for the gold even though I doubt I will ever see a penny from this worthless wonder.
She left the court with plans to counter sue her ex for half of the judgement. Problem is, I have a negotiated settlement with him which should make her case moot, and since she will never pay me, he might, it is a joke. She seems to think that by getting a judgement against him that she will be able to collect money from him and pocket it.
Worthless is as worthless does. He was in jail prior to thier breaking up, and as soon as he was behind bars, she had a drug addict lover boy in bed.
She claimed I was discriminating against her and that I said she was too ugly to fuck. dang, that witch can read minds. I'd fuck her with Obama's dick, she is fat enough I honestly think you could shove Eric Holder in head first and not see his ankles.
Next step, aid in execution, drag her fugly ass back to court as often as needed. I may never get money, but she will never get peace.

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