Thursday, December 8, 2011

Did Iran steal our drone?

As more news filters out on the disappearance and downing of a US RQ-170 drone inside Iran, it is becoming clear that this is a case of high tech hijacking. Iranian operatives admit they hacked into the control frequency and took control, the only remaining question is whether the drone was in Afghan or Iranian airspace at the time.
Either way, the lack of response by the ditherer in cheap is an on going disaster for the US military. Iran is now tearing the machine apart and learning the secret mechanics and software of this important piece of military hardware.
We should have had a stealth bomber in the air as soon as it was missing to destroy the air craft. It should not have mattered where it went lost, only that it was lost. Thanks to Carter's incompetence, Iran has one more tool in their efforts to wage war on free people every where. OK, make that Carturd Jr.

1 comment:

Gregory said...

This mistake was as bad or worse than Crinton selling our military and/or atomic secrets to China. I wish that presidents would be held legally responsible for betraying their country. I would sure be willing to be on the firing squad.