Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Why Osawatomie.Kansas

ObamAA+ comes to a red state deep in the middle of fly over country to give a speach. Into a state that flipped from his Abortion loving coyote Sebelius and that crowd to a solid republican government. That would make any one ask, Why?
This might be the answer, I googled Osawatomie, and once I got past the garbage about the liar in cheaps visit, I found this nugget.
Osawatomie State Hospital and Rainbow Mental Health Facility provide services to adults diagnosed with psychiatric disorders regardless of ability to pay or legal status.

So was the worthless fuck here for treatment, or just visiting family?

1 comment:

Dean said...

I grew up in the KC area and some folks who went to Osawatomie for the Men with Pink Nets treatment. So when I found out Pres. Obama was going there I thought "What a good way to get in touch with his prime voters"