I don't particularly care for snakes, and a rattler would get an
enormous birth from me. I am no snake handler, nor do I want to be.
handlers understand snakes. They know how to control them, manipulate
them, and understand how they think. When a snake handler wants to put
on a show, he can get the snakes to do what he wants because he knows
how to stimulate them to actions. The snakes aren't doing the show
because they are suddenly his friends.
President Trump is a snake wrangler of the media snakes. He knows how they think, what makes them react.
President Trump is doing with the media is essentially no different
than the snake wrangler, except maybe the rattle snakes are smarter than
the media ones.
For the last year President Trump has played the media like Jack Benny playing a violin. Yes, at times it has sounded terrible, but then, President Trump wants it to sound terrible. He is exposing them for the mockery they are.
It is his ability to control them that makes him not fear them. That is why he willingly sat with a reporter for the hated New York Slimes and gave an unscripted interview. You can be sure that Our President was fully in control, and unless the reporter was going to publish a pack of lies, like Commie did, the outcome was determined before the guy even got in the door.
29 minutes ago