Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Sanctuary City Mayor now explaining to victims why he failed to protect them

Communist and invader enabler Ed Lee, the mayor of San Franfreakshow has passed away. He was 65. The life long liar err lawyer and politician was responsible for leading law enforcement efforts and failed to do so resulting in the death of Kate Steinle.
Our national laws require states to extradite criminals, but California, and in particular, San Franfreakshow, refuse to enforce laws regarding invaders, thus placing their legal voters in grave danger. Lee became mayor of the city when Gavin Nuisance was elected lieutenant governor. Lee was selected because he promised the other members of the board, some of whom had aspirations to advance, that he would not run for reelection if appointed. Lee broke that promise though and was elected largely on name recognition.
In 2015 he won reelection because no one whose name was known opposed him, He garnered 56% of the vote and his next closest challenger in a field of five, Francisco Herrera, a mere 14%.
Initial reports are saying it was a heart attack that claimed the antiAmerican backstabber. Fools will miss him. Criminals mourn his passing. The rest of us, not so much.

1 comment:

Gregory said...

Yep. Good riddance. But hoping whoever comes next will be good for the citizens. But, I doubt it.