Sunday, January 27, 2019

What every one missed

People, right and left are crowing that President Trump caved in reopening the government. What is lost in all the chatter is a simple thing, EBT. Food stamp benefits were about to run out for millions of people. By granting Congress a reprieve, President Trump headed off certain riots and civil unrest. The people who torched Ferguson Would have torched their own homes in protest. In winter no less. We know by now that the mayors of most of the liberal hell holes would have stood back and watched. By making this brief concession, the President assured America that a civil war was not going to erupt because the enemies within Congress won't work to keep us safe from the enemies without.
Is it a good thing? You decide. For my part, I have plenty of ammo to hunt game and fend off varmints. I don't have enough to fight off the entire welfare class of Kansas though.
I am sure we will get the wall and soon. 
Things you can be sure of about President Trump;
1. he is not a fool.
2. He is not a liar.
3. He is a master at negotiating.
4. he is past master at making his enemies look stupid. 
Of course, I was kinda hoping the dems would convince some one to roll up the interstates and stick em in storage. Sigh. 

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