Monday, April 30, 2012

Fire damage

Just a quick update, here are two pics of the front of my house showing what the wild fire did. A couple more minutes, and there would have been serious problems. There have been several fires since I bought the property. Kansas pasture is tinder in the spring, especially during February and March when things are dry. the ranchers burn off pasture to rejuvenate it. It clears out the old stubble and also gets rid of junipers and sumac which can choke out grass in a matter of a few years. Grass fires are a common site in spring.

To be clear, I burn every year, that's not what I mean when I say fires. I mean the unplanned variety. Several of them were investigated, and tossed cigarettes were the culprit in two of them including the one that got my siding. I hate to say it, but I see several every year along the roads that were clearly caused by a smoker.

1 comment:

CharlieDelta said...

It really pisses me off when I see people throwing their cigarette butts out the window. I've seen enough big-ass brush fires to last me a lifetime. The best is when you ride with a smoker that keeps change in his/her car ash tray as if the world is their butt can.

I smoke myself. Hell I pretty much chain smoke while I'm driving, but I keep a Gatoraid bottle with water in it to throw my butts in. As far as I'm concerned, throwing a cigarette butt out the window of your moving vehicle should land you a steep fine and some community service clearing dry/dead brush from fire-prone areas. Idiots!