Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Don't want your daughter to become a statistic

Waterbury, Connecticut has a fight on their hands. A proposed gun range was approved by the city, but is now stuck in limbo as the loco school opposes the planed improvement. A meeting with protesters and counter protesters was staged Monday. During the circus, Sprague parent William Bellmay shouted at a gun-rights counter-protester,“I don't want my daughter to become a statistic!”
I have some advice for Mr Bellmay, teach her to shoot. Women are the victims of domestic violence, rape, assault, are forced into prostitution and other sex industries and become statistics. Why? because they are smaller, weaker, and do not know how to defend them selves. Women who do know how to defend themselves are less likely to become part of those sad statistics. The next thing he needs to do is teach her defensive driving. Young people are involved in a high percentage of fatal crashes because defensive driving tactics are not second nature to them.
The third thing Mr Bellmay needs to do is teach her about hte benefits of abstinance. You cannot tell the sexual history of a potential partner by looking at them or their privates. Pregnancy is all too common, but it is the smallest worry for young women today. HPV brings with it cervical cancer which if untreated spreads to the lymph nodes, intestines, and will be fatal. It brings wiht it hte risk of sterility as well.
So Mr Bellmay, don't be lame. Give your daughter the best chance in the best nation on earth. Teach her how to shoot, when to shoot, and when not to shoot so she doesn't end up becoming a sad statistic. Contrast the number of kids killed by accidents at firing ranges vs the number killed in traffic accidents, or the number beaten to death by those they thought loved them, abnd you will see that the gun range is a benefit, an asset, not a threat.
Above all Mr Bellmay, quit being a retard. Sure, you are stuck in liberal lala land, but that does not mean you need to remain a fool.

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