Friday, May 25, 2012

Ever heard of Brett Kimberlin?

He is a convicted domestic terrorist. A man sentenced to fifty years in prison for setting bombs in Speedway Indiana, the man is lower then life scum. he is also good friends with Chunky Chuck Johnson of LGF fame.
You won't find Brett Kimberlin on Wikipedia, his entry has been deleted. Information about him though abound on the net. most of it comes from conservative bloggers, many of whom have been attacked by this insult to humanity.
To get a good scoop, and see the scope of this mans depravity, just go here. This creep is just another Soros funded left wing hater. keep that in mind, and support folks like Paterico and R.S.McCain.
Don't expect him to be brought to justice any time soon either. he is part of ObamAA+'s civilian force of ner do wells. Part of his civilian force that is supposed to be as big as the Army.
I guess the idea of brownshirts like Hitler had in his SA don't bother some people. Well, it bothers me.

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