Sunday, May 27, 2012

How lethal is a 22

Found this video here. Interesting that they attempted shots as far as 440 yards. Something to think about when you want to laugh at the iea of home defense with a rim fire, but in the right hands, it is the best weapon. For a woman who is afraid of guns, or some one who is frail, a 22 would be a good choice. Sure, a 357 would stop some one with one shot, but they gotta hit em first. With a 22 pistol, they would have as many as ten shots to put hurt on a perp. Just something to think about when you are considering your next purchase. Oh, and ammo is dirt cheap.


Gregory said...

I have heard that a 22 is the weapon of choice of assassins. And I have actually heard biker women look at a 22 pocket gun and say "That thing would only piss my old man off"....
Wow. Being a Billy-Badass must feel really cool.

JeremyR said...

The mafia used 22s almost exclusively for assassination weapons for many years. They were quiet, and most shots were made at under six feet, usually when the condemned turned his back.
A 22 isn't going to make the wound cavity a 44 will, so shot placement comes into play, that is why multiple hits are important.
When the police ask why you shot the perp ten times, the correct answer is because it just went click when I pulled the trigger the eleventh time. Ten wound tracks means a lot of blood leaving the circulatory system, meaning it will be a short beating if he makes it accross the room. Also, its best that if he does get to her, that she have only an empty gun, not one containing rounds he can then use on her.

Gregory said...

Here, here. :)