Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Harvards biggest failure

Fifty years after graduating, Ted Kaczynski sits tucked away in the Supermax in Florence Colorado. He is a man who went from promising success to madman, killing three and wounding a host of others. But is he their worst case?
Sure ted was destructive, bombs tend to be after all, but the damage wrought on America by ObamAA+ iis more economically crippling, more emotionally devestating then any pack of explosives.
I'm not here to defend ted, he got off light, he should have been executed. i'm here to again condemn ObamAA+ as he tries to deflect his horrific record onto the Republicans. In a way, ABC is right, repubicans are to blame. We kicked them to the curb when they started spending like democrats. Its also true that most of ObamAA+'s debt comes from the democrat congress that preceded his assention to office. There hasn't been a lot of crazy spending since, the democraps were too busy with hellcare to bother with a budget, and gridlock has kept one off the table for eighteen months. We need to ammend the constitution to not allow continuing resolutions, no budget, no checks, and nothing for congress. The should be locked in starting two weeks before the budget is due, and not let out of chambers until it is passed, and any member who exits the chamber shall not be seated until after the next elections members are sworn in.
As for republicans, take notes and learn from them. Cut spending cut spending, cut spending. Start wit hinternational welfare, eliminate it all. Quit borrowing money from China and giving it to Vietnam. let the Vietnamese borrow from their daddy themselves. Next cut corporate welfare. I'm not talking about taxes, but slash them as well. I'm talking about handouts to corporations for stupid ideas like green energy. After that, cut the welfare to individuals. The list of people who are entirely worthless is amazingly small, but even they do not deserve a check from Uncle Sam. The only ones deserving of that are military retirees. The rest of the government employees should be made to turn to their union for their life long hand out.
As for the entirely worthless, Nancy P Lousy come to mind right off the top of my head. I cannot fathom why a person in a wheel chair is deserving of a check from the government unless the gov put them there. Charity is the job of churches and individuals, not government.
And frAnkly, if I get heartburn from supporting the local leg spreader, you can bet I want to give Ted nothing but a rope. He still deserves to hang. maybe ObamAA+ can room with him once the truth about him comes out.

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