Lets look closely at this shall we?
Economy? Unemployment has risen sharply since they took office in 2006. I rate it a Fail.
War on terror? They won't even use the correct name anymore. Chickenshits want to surrender not win. Fail is too good for them on this one and incomplete is intelectually dishonest.
War in Iraq? Last combat troops out? Renaming combat units is not getting out, its hoodwinking their base. So on that alone, FAIL.
Border security? The race is on, do we surrender to Mexico first or the islamists? Fail again.
Draining the swamp? Abject failure! Frank needs to be marched off to jail along with Rangle, Waters, and a few others. The entire swamp is nothing but rats and vermin!
Most transparent Administration ever? ROFLMAO. Fail big time. Barry is thin skinned, so much so I guess you could say he is transparent. He is also so partisan we can see right through him.

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