The voters have been sending a large text message to Washington, and most particularly to the leaders of the Republican Party. We are tired of politics as usual. We demand change. Not the change Obama and the democrats offered, but real change. We want people in Washington who represent us not ignore us.
The republican establishment needs to sit back and listen. We the voters are attempting to send you a message! We did not send you to Washington to lead, we sent you there to REPRESENT US. get a clue. We have primary elections so the voters can decide who they want, what message resonates with them, and what direction they want to see this nation going.
Right now that direction appears to be to hell in a hand basket. We do not want to veer right, we do not want to veer left. We want a course REVERSAL. Get the massage.
Chances are great that Republicans will carry the day in November. I expect a republican house, a close senate, and a president upset as heck with the population.
Its time you the "leadership" get in tune with us. DO NOT get involved in primary politics. watch, listen and above all think! Don't think about losses of party establishment members. Think about what we the American people want you to do!
You all fucked up in 2004. You thought you knew best. Upset voters sent a message and handed control of congress to the communists, and in 2008 reinforced that control with a filibuster proof majority and the presidency.
We were pissed that you were acting like democrats, and some people hoped the dems had gotten the massage and would tone down their massive spending habit.
They did not. The TEA party movement is telling you something. We are fed up with Washington spending. We are fed up with politicians who bow to special interests who line their pockets albeit campaign war chests. We want to see you slash spending. not cut it, slash it. make it wither on the vine as it is severed from the root. feed it NO MORE! We are sick of entitlements. We are sick of illegal immigration and the serious problem it is causing in our communities. We are sick of paying through the nose money that you doll out for favors via pork barrel spending ear marks.
I do not want to see a revolution in this country. Too much of the world is waiting to pounce and enslave us, cart off our wealth, wealth that was built with hard work innovation and free enterprise. I am not threatening you here, I have no plans to revolt. I want above all else to avoid that. I fear that many in the population will consider it. When that happens, America loses, and you lose big time.
Get your heads out of your asses. start listening to us, the people you are paid to represent. We are tired of elitists attitudes fro mour representatives. You are not leaders, you are representatives. Now represent US!
Date night in Macon County
41 minutes ago
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