Seems some muslims were active at the Minnesota state fair practicing al-Taqiyya. They are earnestly spreading their bullshit that islam is not violent and depraved. News flash, it is violent, and a brief exam of how they treat women and fellow humans will show that it is Is IS depraved. They have comitted 15,981 since 9-11-01, or nearly five a day every day. contrast that to Christians. How many deadly terror attacks?
People do not view islam as a violent religion nearly as much as they did nine years ago. What is wrong? are they not paying attention? The lame stream media is at fault for a lot of this. they are willing participants in the disinformation campaign.
Next time you see a muslim handing out quarans or other literature, say no thank you to the satanic verses.
Show us the view from the mow-cam
8 minutes ago
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