Barry's fugly mug on the dollar? And FDR, Stalin lite on the $100? this is insane. But its not fake either. Some idiots think the way to revitalize our economy is to redesign our currency. They want to Eeeew-a-peon ize it. OUr currency has stood the test of time. It is the standard by which others are measured. Concerted efforts by the Chicago gang have shaken the world. We are in a border between recession and deression with them doing every thing they possibly can to push us over the edge.
We know the drill, we are not fooled, and some of us are pissed. that they have the audacity to want to put Obama's mug on the dollar is wrong on every level. The only place a picture of him should ever be is the ID book for the federal supermax in Colorado.
Honor him? NEVER! if some one ever gave me one of those dispicable things I would hand it back and cuss them out.
I can understand making the bills distinguishable (either by size or by other means, such as Braille) for blind people.
But as far as the rest of this is concerned, these politically-correct designs are so offensive that I would rather they go ahead and put politicians' butts on the bills instead of their faces. Complete with painted-on targets.
The $50 is the only one I'm cool with. The Bald Eagle kicks ass! I can't even make out what's on the $20. What the hell is it?
I always thought the image on American currency was a depiction of someone that is no longer living.
With Obama on the one dollar bill....I mean, should I get my hopes up?? Or am I just being teased?
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