I guess the Imam, one of islams smartest people doesn't get it.
We consider Ground Zero sacred ground. This is not a religious thing, many people who lost loved ones there have no religious ties. To the imam it is a religious thing becasue islam launched a religious war against us. We are not fighting for religion. We are fighting for FREEDOM of religion. That concept is lost on him because he is enslaved by satan. We do not care that there are strip clubs, adult entertainment shops, bars or the like in the neighborhood. Those people lost as much as many others did in this war of terror precipitated by islam.
We do not want a victory mosque at ground zero. Frankly, until islam renounces their war against Christians, Jews and other beliefs including antitheism, I don't want one of their mosques anywhere in this hemisphere.
We do not accept the wacky beliefs of the FLDS. Jim Jones was sent packing to South America. David Koresh was wiped out. Same should be done with islam.
So htey control the oil fields of hte middle east. Fuck em. after we bomb Mecca flat, nukle Medina to glass, and make crater county out of Iran who will care? Blast them back to the stone age. Use extra fire crackers if thats what it takes, and a few nukes for good measure.
Peopl who think we cabn live with islam are delusional. Name one place wher eislam has assimilated. They haven't, they won't. Its kill or be killed. I don't plan to die for hte religion of piss. There is no god named allah, and Mohammed was a pedophile. Remember that.
Date night in Macon County
30 minutes ago
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