Thursday, January 6, 2011

A waste of time

To me, the reading of the constitution today in the House was a waste of time. Its like teaching a pig to sing, all you do is frustrate yourself, and irritate the pig.
Dems will argue all day long about the meaning of the constitution. Its an easy argument for them to make because to them it is meaningless.
It may be too late to teach some of the entrenched democrats. Their average age is somewhere between over the hill, and senility, too late to retrain, too early to bury.
It is a symbolic gesture at best for now. Learning the Constitution needs to start in grade school, but first we must teach the teachers. These folks are generally of the mindset that there is no wrong answer, except the one that is right of course. Many if not most of them are of the liberal mindset, folks who take indecent liberties with the Constitution, the ones responsible for the dumbing down of America. To make themselves look better, and their job easier, they lowered the standards. Then they had to lower them again.
I have seen students who could barely read or do simple math make the honor roll because they now have classes for dummies. These kids are not fools, or retarded, merely under educated. yet they dumb down the curriculum. I know I have a bear of a time with spelling, always have, always will. That does not make me a retard. That is why I initially passed on College and opted for the Military.
Back to today's exercise in futility, its a step in the right direction. My dream is that some day, in order for a member of congress to be seated, he must be able to state a randomly selected section of the constitution. Not recite it, but at least able to clearly state the meaning or intent of the requested selection.
In all fairness, I seriously doubt that many of our judges understand the Constitution any more. From some of the rulings I have seen, especially those from the 9th Circus, It needs to be read aloud every week at the start of court sessions.
Every one agrees the constitution still has uses. Conservatives want to keep it as the framework for our government. Liberals want to use it for toilet paper.


Denny said...

Jeremy - I've had a couple of commenters on my site say that your comments don't work. Checking to see.

Anonymous said...

Reading it and living it is two different stories, Catfish

Secesh said...

I disagree with your comment "too early to bury" entrenched dims.

Why else then would God have given us entrenchment tools?

JeremyR said...

Anon, yes it is, but living it is what is expected of our congress. In fact, we should expect it of every person who gets a regular check from the government whether they be President, or a meter reader in some podunk rural community.