Sunday, November 6, 2011

Ron Paul wins Illinois Straw Poll

With 52% of the vote, it looks like Ron Paul may be a serious contender after all. Until you look at the break down, 8% of those cast in person, and 66.5 of those on the internet. Paulinians are still up to their same old steaming bag of dog shit. These people are lower then the OWS crowd. more likely, they are part of them. To vote, all that was needed was a $5 contribution. My bet is that a big chunk of the internet vote will be fake credit card data. I seem to remember that happening a time or two before.
Ron has a few good ideas, he would make a great chairman of the fed, or Secretary of the Treasury. We cannot take him seriously though when his followers game so many on line polls.
Romney won 35%, and Cain won 29% of the in person votes. What needs to be done is scrap all the on line Paul votes, then analize the data. The sexual harassment suit hanging over Cain is hurting him. It needs a full public airing so folks can see whether or not he is Bill Clinton lite. My bet is the suit is a bunch of bullshit, and we need to move forward and leave it to rot in the ditch. If it is real, a full airing will help voters decide. people make mistakes. Much of what Clinton did is in the who cares catergory, Its the ones who claim it was unwanted from the gitgo I care about, not the Monica's. Seriously, with a wife like Hildabeast, who can blame the poor guy?

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