For quite some time now, nearly every conservative site has had tidbits of information regarding the working inside the swamp. Much data has been unearthed by FOIA requests, and while the DOJ and FBI strenuously fight to withhold information, enough of it is getting leaked that a picture is being painted, a map drawn, an organizational chart discovered of the inner working of the derp state. The monster is being revealed. It is menacing, it is leviathan, it has many heads, many tentacles, and it is rooted deep inside much of our government. Don Surber posted a
little bit about that. Do you think we had any say in what the last four presidents did to this nation? Four fingers of the same hand, and to think, I actually liked Bush for a while after 9-11.
Drip drip.
It wasn't that long ago we saw corrupt Strzok removed from the Mueller team. Now he has been removed from the FBI. Sad to say, he wasn't the only one and he probably wasn't the worst one either. His departure took a painfully long time. Why?
Drip drip.
Comey was a known bad actor for many years. he was appointed to the director of the FBI. His ties to Mueller's FBI while he was at Lockheed Martin, and the various no bid contracts that flowed along with mega amounts of cash, are now part of the unearthed workings.
Drip drip.
Ask yourself, how many people can become millionaires on a government check, then look at how the bank accounts of so many of the Washington establishment have swollen over the years. Public service has become plundering.
Drip drip.
With all the names that have been posted by Sundance at
TCH, Stacy at
the other McCain, Doug Ross
@ Journal, and so many of the other bloggers as well as legitimate news sites like Daily Wire, Breitbart, One America News, and others, you would think the end was in sight. SOme how, I get the feeling we are a long way from knowing the depth of the depravity.
Drip drip.
President Trump called out AG sessions yesterday in a series of tweets. Is he really doing nothing? Is he one of the deep state, is he owned? is he compromised? All the while known criminal Mueller is running around Washington running his mouth and attacking any one and every one who might help the President fight the corruption. He is covering his ass and that of Clinton as well as Barry and his host of dirty players. Some of this may go back to Bush 41 and possibly even to the Reagan years.
Mueller got his start in 1989 during the first Bush era. To be clear, I am not attempting to imply that Reagan was in any way connected, but to note that during his administration, Ted the Turd Kennedy, murderer of Mary Jo Kopechne, slithered off to Russia and colluded with them to oppose Reagan's initiatives which eventually toppled the evil empire and freed millions. Yup, Russian collusion, and a democrat. Whoda thunk it?
Two groups oppose President Trump and his mission to drain he swamp. First of course are the liberal communists we affectionately call democrats, and the second is the military industrial complex who would be out of money with out an evil empire to oppose. Remember the Comey - Lockheed Martin / Mueller - FBI contracts? Yeah,
THAT military industrial complex.
Drip drip.
So who is controlling Sessions? I don't see him as owned by the commie Democrats, but do others in the deep state have dirt, enough serious dirt to keep him on the porch? At some point we should have seen criminal charges. Names like Lisa Page and Pete Strzok should be headlines along with arrests, bond hearings, plea deals, naming handlers, but you are not seeing it, and you won't see it if you only read the main stream media.
I wish I could tell you the delays are part of President Trump's plan to further expose the workings of the deep state and drain the swamp. They may be, or they may be resistance from people with in his administration who are controlled by the deep state and on whom Mueller and fiends have dirt or are holding something to control their actions.
Drip drip.
Do you feel my frustration? This is like watching a master play chess. You see what looks like an easy path to victory, but the master passively ignores it. you want to point and shout. You wonder, does he not see it? But maybe he does, and maybe he knows a trap you do not see. Remember, masters don't usually play anything but other masters. President Trump is a master. is he the ultimate master? With Lil Kim falling, and China failing, who will be left for the deep state to use to hold us hostage? They too are at heart socialists, waiting for the day that we run ou of other people's money.
GOD, bless President Trump. May he indeed be the Master we need as our nation divides between those who would follow you and those led off by other masters.