The communist party U.S.A. candidate, the piap used Khizer Kahn as a stepping stone to launch attacks against Trump for his lack of military service.
It is true he did not serve. It is true he obtained a deferment. I won't defend either point, facts are facts. They also hold little meaning in this presidential campaign. In 2008 a dope smoking anti American ran against a former POW and won. another simple fact.
Lets get to the meat of the issue though. HiLIARy is married to Worthless Willie, and he is the poster child of draft dodgers. But, he is not merely a draft dodger, he is in fact a deserter. Worthless Willie joined the naval reserve as a step to avoiding service. Remember the attacks on George W. Bush? Those attacks were a perfect example of Worthless Willie's service to a point. An examination of Bush's service record reveals that he was seeking a slot in a combat roll as a pilot. He was turned down for operation palace guard because he lacked sufficient hours in type to qualify. He then flew a mountain of hours, got to the threshold required, applied again, and was turned down because his experience was in a plane deemed to out dated for use in Vietnam.
Well, what of Willie? Here we have a draft dodger extraordinaire! He was classified 1-A, medically fit! I guess they didn't do a psych eval back then. He, in typical Clinton fashion lied his ass off to avoid service. He offered to join the ROTC in Arkansas at one point just to get his deferment. He joined a Naval reserve unit, they didn't have a slot, one was made special for him. WTF??? He showed his gratitude by never showing up. HiLIARy is fine with that though. Think how many women would have been spared the ordeal of sexual assault had his ass been sent to Vietnam. Surely some one would have fragged him for good measure. Instead, he was off in London committing the first of his long list of sexual assaults.
So dems, go ahead, play that card. It might swing support at your rally's from the dozens to the bakers dozens.
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Friday, July 29, 2016
If If If If If If If If If If
And this is the great orator whose message destroyed Trump? BWAHAHAHAHAHA
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Kinda amusing
The communists have spent most of the last four years getting ready for the piap's coronation. The program was supposed to be her against Beauregard the Wonder Frog Bush. She was supposed to start on her quest to thoroughly crush him, but that plan got foiled.
It has been more than 240 days since her royal lieness held a press conference. Why? The press is all in for her, they are the propaganda arm of the communist party. We have not had an independent press for at least fifteen years. Almost every station is owned by one of the mighty business conglomerates who want globalism. This is the build up to Rollerball, the end of nations, and the rise of corporate empires. I'm thinking of the James Caan version btw, have not seen the remake.
1975 is a long way off. So is 1984. Were it not for the warnings, maybe they would have succeeded by now.
Will HiLIARy go through with all the scheduled debates? Would love to see off script comments directed at her about her abuse of national security, mishandling of state secrets, and general disregard for human lives. Will she do a presser? I'm betting not. If one happens, it will be so scripted and controlled that it will be meaningless.
It has been more than 240 days since her royal lieness held a press conference. Why? The press is all in for her, they are the propaganda arm of the communist party. We have not had an independent press for at least fifteen years. Almost every station is owned by one of the mighty business conglomerates who want globalism. This is the build up to Rollerball, the end of nations, and the rise of corporate empires. I'm thinking of the James Caan version btw, have not seen the remake.
1975 is a long way off. So is 1984. Were it not for the warnings, maybe they would have succeeded by now.
Will HiLIARy go through with all the scheduled debates? Would love to see off script comments directed at her about her abuse of national security, mishandling of state secrets, and general disregard for human lives. Will she do a presser? I'm betting not. If one happens, it will be so scripted and controlled that it will be meaningless.
Sunday, July 24, 2016
DonnAbrasive to take over communist party leadership?
Amid the outrage over the wikileaks dump of collusion between the Communist party democrats, and their propaghanda arm to undermine Bernout, Debbie Whatshernameslutz has resigned as Politburo chair effective immediately.
Possible interim replacements include Donna Brassil the black Soetoro suck up on CNN. Pravda leading the party? Talk about a kick in the teeth for the people who are fed up with the communist agenda put forward by Barry and HiLIARy. There were a lot of people with in the ranks of democrats who are fed up with the crap, but too stupid to leave.
We.Do. Not. Have. An. Independent. Press! That went away long ago when large corporations began buying them up and exerting globalist control.
When I was a kid, we used the acronym CLAMs to describe the movement. Congressional Left, That means all democrats, and most republicans. Academia, ever seen a conservative college professor? They have never worked a real job a day in their lives, yet they "know" how to solve all the worlds problems... That THEY made! Media, the American Pravda. They are so cocksure of their ability to control us they don't give a damn that we know!
Is the fix in? Have they got the election sewn up so surely they can act like this? Let us hope not! During the 2012 election there were reported, several districts where Mittens did not garner a single vote! Think about that, a statistical impossibility, well, almost, The only thing separating them was a condom. The one man who claimed to be a republican who had no standing, zero ability, to confront Barry on the most important issue of the campaign, Oblowme Care.
These people are with out conscience. To send even one of them back to Washington is a greater disservice than Worthless Willie slithering off to Canada when he was called up. Remember, he was not a draft dodger, he was a deserter. Yes, they are that bad.
Possible interim replacements include Donna Brassil the black Soetoro suck up on CNN. Pravda leading the party? Talk about a kick in the teeth for the people who are fed up with the communist agenda put forward by Barry and HiLIARy. There were a lot of people with in the ranks of democrats who are fed up with the crap, but too stupid to leave.
We.Do. Not. Have. An. Independent. Press! That went away long ago when large corporations began buying them up and exerting globalist control.
When I was a kid, we used the acronym CLAMs to describe the movement. Congressional Left, That means all democrats, and most republicans. Academia, ever seen a conservative college professor? They have never worked a real job a day in their lives, yet they "know" how to solve all the worlds problems... That THEY made! Media, the American Pravda. They are so cocksure of their ability to control us they don't give a damn that we know!
Is the fix in? Have they got the election sewn up so surely they can act like this? Let us hope not! During the 2012 election there were reported, several districts where Mittens did not garner a single vote! Think about that, a statistical impossibility, well, almost, The only thing separating them was a condom. The one man who claimed to be a republican who had no standing, zero ability, to confront Barry on the most important issue of the campaign, Oblowme Care.
These people are with out conscience. To send even one of them back to Washington is a greater disservice than Worthless Willie slithering off to Canada when he was called up. Remember, he was not a draft dodger, he was a deserter. Yes, they are that bad.
Saturday, July 23, 2016
I thought she'd pick Crud
HiLIARy's selection of Tim Kaine is the news of the week end. He is about as exciting as Army coffee... Decaf Army coffee. Even mega rabble rouser Michael Moron tweeted that Kaine would add zero votes to her ticket. Lose Mike, and you lose half of Michigan (by weight).
Still, after the way BusTED flounced at the RNC, I thought they had worked out some sort of deal. All his followers would likely also jump ship. OK, follower, singular.
What of the grand mess the Clinton cartel has created? When Trump wins, what becomes of that? Right now she is caught up in so many scandals it is mind numbing. Will Barry pardon her? If he does, will it mean a dang thing? She is a co-conspirator with him in many of these shady dealings, and if he is as involved as I believe, a pardon would be worthless.
Maybe he will let her swing in the wind. It is said they are not friends by any stretch of the imagination. That would be grand if he indited her in the last weeks of his presidency.
That might be the plan though, if she wins, send her off to jail and just continue running the show and Constitution be damned. Big if, I know.
Oh well, Kaine tied himself to one heck of an anchor. Enjoy the swim, that city pool is something else.
Still, after the way BusTED flounced at the RNC, I thought they had worked out some sort of deal. All his followers would likely also jump ship. OK, follower, singular.
What of the grand mess the Clinton cartel has created? When Trump wins, what becomes of that? Right now she is caught up in so many scandals it is mind numbing. Will Barry pardon her? If he does, will it mean a dang thing? She is a co-conspirator with him in many of these shady dealings, and if he is as involved as I believe, a pardon would be worthless.
Maybe he will let her swing in the wind. It is said they are not friends by any stretch of the imagination. That would be grand if he indited her in the last weeks of his presidency.
That might be the plan though, if she wins, send her off to jail and just continue running the show and Constitution be damned. Big if, I know.
Oh well, Kaine tied himself to one heck of an anchor. Enjoy the swim, that city pool is something else.
Friday, July 22, 2016
A word of warning
If you receive an e-mail with the subject Naked Pictures of Melania Trump, do NOT open it. It contains a serious computer virus.
If you receive an email with the subject Naked Pictures of Hillary Clinton, do NOT open it. It contains naked pictures of Hillary.
If you receive an email with the subject Naked Pictures of Hillary Clinton, do NOT open it. It contains naked pictures of Hillary.
Sunday, July 17, 2016
An open letter to Deranged Mckesson
Cleveland has long been known as the mistake on the lake. That name will take on new meaning if you and your crowd of black liars get carried away in your violence and provocation.
Black lives don't matter, at least not to you. If they did, you would be working day and night to bring an end to the ever increasing violence in places like Chicago or Detroit.
You have been semi successful with your lies, but every person you have championed has turned out to be a thug. You were semi successful in spinning the narrative with Travon, posting pictures of him as a young teen all innocent and clean. By the time the truth came out about him being a thug of the lowest moral character, most Americans had moved on and did not bother to learn the truth. Truth buddy, do you know what that is? Find out.
Most Americans believe in law and order. When we hear or read about a cop betraying that trust, we get mad. Madder in fact than you and your crowd. The difference is, we demand the truth before we charge off on some half baked abomination of lies. Your people seem to be just the opposite. Am I wrong?
Many of us search for the truth. It was people like me that uncovered the truth about Travon. It was people like me who dug up the facts about Mike Brown.
Ya Know, I was on your side as far as the Baltimore death of Freddy Gray went. In fact, I still believe that some of the officers involved should be held accountable. Murder? No, why would they intentionally rough ride Freddy? He was a career snitch. Negligence leading to death is what happened there. Man 3 or less. Unfortunately, that will not be the case. An activist black prosecutor cannot convince an activist black judge to throw a pencil at them let alone the book. Sorry buddy, were it not for a press that is complicit in this scheme to destabilize America with your assistance thereby ending the free ride for many blacks, This would have been over months ago.
Have you been watching the primary elections? the rallies the events? Have you noticed the turn out? America is fed up with the BS coming out of the White House and with the bull shit peddlers, namely you and yours. This primary season has seen turn out like never before, and it isn't for Hillary either. To be sure, a lot of the bull shit peddlers are in the republican party, the career politicians whom we no longer trust thanks to you and Barry. That said, you might want to rethink your plans for Cleveland.
Blacks comprise 11% of the United States population, approximately 38 million souls. That does not equate to 38 millions fighters though. Roughly 55% of your people are women. That's not to say women won't fight, they comprise roughly 60% of the aggressors in domestic disturbances, but many of them will be stuck at home minding children who have no fathers. Speaking of fathers, roughly one million of your fighters are stuck in prisons for their conduct in the past decades. 20% of the remainder are too young to fight, and another 20% too old to fight. Another big chunk are part of the "problem" you oppose, members of the police or military. Do you honestly expect them to be on your side? Think again. Another thing, do you really expect that all the remaining blacks will join your movement? Many of them have seen through your bull shit, and long before I did.
So Deray, head on down to the mistake on the lake. Make it your mistake, and black lives won't matter to me either.
Black lives don't matter, at least not to you. If they did, you would be working day and night to bring an end to the ever increasing violence in places like Chicago or Detroit.
You have been semi successful with your lies, but every person you have championed has turned out to be a thug. You were semi successful in spinning the narrative with Travon, posting pictures of him as a young teen all innocent and clean. By the time the truth came out about him being a thug of the lowest moral character, most Americans had moved on and did not bother to learn the truth. Truth buddy, do you know what that is? Find out.
Most Americans believe in law and order. When we hear or read about a cop betraying that trust, we get mad. Madder in fact than you and your crowd. The difference is, we demand the truth before we charge off on some half baked abomination of lies. Your people seem to be just the opposite. Am I wrong?
Many of us search for the truth. It was people like me that uncovered the truth about Travon. It was people like me who dug up the facts about Mike Brown.
Ya Know, I was on your side as far as the Baltimore death of Freddy Gray went. In fact, I still believe that some of the officers involved should be held accountable. Murder? No, why would they intentionally rough ride Freddy? He was a career snitch. Negligence leading to death is what happened there. Man 3 or less. Unfortunately, that will not be the case. An activist black prosecutor cannot convince an activist black judge to throw a pencil at them let alone the book. Sorry buddy, were it not for a press that is complicit in this scheme to destabilize America with your assistance thereby ending the free ride for many blacks, This would have been over months ago.
Have you been watching the primary elections? the rallies the events? Have you noticed the turn out? America is fed up with the BS coming out of the White House and with the bull shit peddlers, namely you and yours. This primary season has seen turn out like never before, and it isn't for Hillary either. To be sure, a lot of the bull shit peddlers are in the republican party, the career politicians whom we no longer trust thanks to you and Barry. That said, you might want to rethink your plans for Cleveland.
Blacks comprise 11% of the United States population, approximately 38 million souls. That does not equate to 38 millions fighters though. Roughly 55% of your people are women. That's not to say women won't fight, they comprise roughly 60% of the aggressors in domestic disturbances, but many of them will be stuck at home minding children who have no fathers. Speaking of fathers, roughly one million of your fighters are stuck in prisons for their conduct in the past decades. 20% of the remainder are too young to fight, and another 20% too old to fight. Another big chunk are part of the "problem" you oppose, members of the police or military. Do you honestly expect them to be on your side? Think again. Another thing, do you really expect that all the remaining blacks will join your movement? Many of them have seen through your bull shit, and long before I did.
So Deray, head on down to the mistake on the lake. Make it your mistake, and black lives won't matter to me either.
Friday, July 15, 2016
The sickest thing I have read in a year
Maybe longer. Atrocities happen in war. a village hit by an errant bomb, a soldier who snaps and shoots a dozen kids playing, a passenger vessel striking a mine meant for a man of war. Covering them up does not solve the problem.
The Attack in Nice yesterday was terrible, women, children, people who have nothing to do with anything concerning the war against islam killed simply because they were an easy target.Terrible as that was, the revelation reported here is much worse. The story is taken from here. details are believed to be true, the conclusions I believe are wrong.
Why would mooslimes be offended by reports of people being castrated by jihadists? They cheer in the streets, celebrate like it's New Years when a terrorist kills a few of us infidels. How wold it offend them? It. Would. NOT!
Reports like that would however inflame the citizens of France and other European Nations who are the victims here. Victims of not only islamists, but people like Angela Bezerkel who insist on importing more of these crazed followers of the pedophile Mohamad.
Enough is enough, and it is time for us, the citizens for whom these fools work to stand up and demand they either do what is right, or remove them. The people of Germany need to take Merkel out and feed her to the dogs, and by that I mean dump her worthless ass right in the middle of one of their Jihad ghettos. Ler her find out once and for all how accommodating they are to humans.
During the Civil War, William Tecumseh Sherman laid waste to Georgia and South Carolina in his campaign. It was by modern standards terrorism. It worked. it broke the will of the people in that region to wage war. Similar campaigns had been done by southern forces especially in Kansas. Due to their scope though, they were not as successful. Since that time, various conventions of the nations who wage war have created rules for limited warfare.
The culmination of that was portrayed on an episode of Star trek. In that case, two planets who were at war waged it via computer simulation. The computer would then determine how many people would be slaughtered. One of those chosen was a member of the Star Trek cast. captain Kirk opposed the decree. Instead of cooperating, he destroyed several of the extermination chambers, and suddenly the planets were faced with a choice, real war, or real peace.
We are now in a similar situation with islam. They attack and kill innocents, we attack and bomb sand. the islamic regimes are not going to reign in their fighters because they want world domination no matter what they claim. Our leaders though, the ones who are responsible for making decisions that are in our best interests are too chickenshit to do a damn thing. We don't know the real why. It may be money, they are bribed and cajoled like the leaders in the Ghettos of Poland to provide bodies for the slaughter. This must stop. Now!
No more lies, islam is not a religion of peace. It is neither a religion nor peaceful and the time for action is long past. They are murdering innocent civilians and hiding behind their own. It is time for us to shoot, and shoot hard. We should start by bombing a few cities in Saudi Arabia, the hub of terrorism and capital of sharia. France should level the new Wahabist mosque that just opened. Bulldoze it to the ground, then deport five hundred mooslimes back to Africa on a leaky boat with out a bilge pump.
Today was my first visit to Lots of good info on thewar on terror. Sorry, it's not a war, we aint fighting back...Yet.
The Attack in Nice yesterday was terrible, women, children, people who have nothing to do with anything concerning the war against islam killed simply because they were an easy target.Terrible as that was, the revelation reported here is much worse. The story is taken from here. details are believed to be true, the conclusions I believe are wrong.
Why would mooslimes be offended by reports of people being castrated by jihadists? They cheer in the streets, celebrate like it's New Years when a terrorist kills a few of us infidels. How wold it offend them? It. Would. NOT!
Reports like that would however inflame the citizens of France and other European Nations who are the victims here. Victims of not only islamists, but people like Angela Bezerkel who insist on importing more of these crazed followers of the pedophile Mohamad.
Enough is enough, and it is time for us, the citizens for whom these fools work to stand up and demand they either do what is right, or remove them. The people of Germany need to take Merkel out and feed her to the dogs, and by that I mean dump her worthless ass right in the middle of one of their Jihad ghettos. Ler her find out once and for all how accommodating they are to humans.
During the Civil War, William Tecumseh Sherman laid waste to Georgia and South Carolina in his campaign. It was by modern standards terrorism. It worked. it broke the will of the people in that region to wage war. Similar campaigns had been done by southern forces especially in Kansas. Due to their scope though, they were not as successful. Since that time, various conventions of the nations who wage war have created rules for limited warfare.
The culmination of that was portrayed on an episode of Star trek. In that case, two planets who were at war waged it via computer simulation. The computer would then determine how many people would be slaughtered. One of those chosen was a member of the Star Trek cast. captain Kirk opposed the decree. Instead of cooperating, he destroyed several of the extermination chambers, and suddenly the planets were faced with a choice, real war, or real peace.
We are now in a similar situation with islam. They attack and kill innocents, we attack and bomb sand. the islamic regimes are not going to reign in their fighters because they want world domination no matter what they claim. Our leaders though, the ones who are responsible for making decisions that are in our best interests are too chickenshit to do a damn thing. We don't know the real why. It may be money, they are bribed and cajoled like the leaders in the Ghettos of Poland to provide bodies for the slaughter. This must stop. Now!
No more lies, islam is not a religion of peace. It is neither a religion nor peaceful and the time for action is long past. They are murdering innocent civilians and hiding behind their own. It is time for us to shoot, and shoot hard. We should start by bombing a few cities in Saudi Arabia, the hub of terrorism and capital of sharia. France should level the new Wahabist mosque that just opened. Bulldoze it to the ground, then deport five hundred mooslimes back to Africa on a leaky boat with out a bilge pump.
Today was my first visit to Lots of good info on the
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
2016 mother of the year material there.
Minnesota should take her kid from her NOW, and the baby the moment it is born. Then sterilize her.
Monday, July 11, 2016
I don't know what to call this.
I have bantered several titles, none project the depth of disgust I feel right now at the POTUS as he will be speaking a the ceremony for the officers killed by one of his activists at an event for more of his activists.
My take, and this may sound weird, I expect Barry Soetoro to throw the blackliesmatter crew under the bus in Dallas. He will denounce them and distance himself from them.
Expect him to give platitudes about how it was a well intentioned cause, but it was intended to be nonviolent. Instead, radical elements have usurped the cause and done this. He might go so far as to blame the Amish. OK, no Amish, but you get what I meant.
We have all read about the planned riots at the RINO and CPUSA conventions led by DeRay and blessed by Loretta Lynchmob and Barry. They will go off as planned, but this declaration, if it happens, will allow the SCoaMF to stand above the fray he created and lay the blame at the feet of Sanders or even Trump thus clearing the way for him to declare Marshal Law and the traitors in Congress to ratify it.
Seriously, that is what I am expecting. What Hitler did was low down, this is skullduggery at its worst. Blacks commit crimes at a rate that far outstrips their membership in society. Their interaction with the police is on a par with the level of crime, mostly black on black in the community. The number of police involved shootings, while not on par with their representation in society is still below their representation in crime statistical analysis. But every time we hear about an officer involved shooting where the decedent is black, they get all up in arms, riot, loot, and spread violence.
I'm not saying all cops are perfect, there are bad apples under every tree. It is rare for a bad cop to stay around for long. They jeopardize the safety of other officers and are a liability in court. Cops will cover for other cops to a point, but once it is clear an officer did wrong, most good cops will throw bad cops under the bus faster than Barry threw Reverend Wrong err Wright.
I will add to that that even good cops make mistakes. Every time you hear about a not guilty verdict, it means a cop made a mistake. Don't take that to mean they were wrong, but in court every I must be dotted, every T crossed, and every plausible event covered. Some times events move so swiftly that they don't get a warrant right or some other thing happens that allows a perp to walk.
We as a society believe in our Police. We believe in law and order based on the laws we enacted. We want good cops, and for the most part we have great ones.
What we may be witnessing, if I am correct, is the subjugation of that law and order. Make that strangulation. in 2008 I do not think the military we had would move against the people. the last 7 1/2 years have seen a realignment in the military that makes such an event plausible. Most privates and lower ranking NCOs will follow orders no matter what. With Barry's scrubbing of the middle and upper ranks we have leaders who will do what we never imagined possible.
Keep your powder dry my friends.
My take, and this may sound weird, I expect Barry Soetoro to throw the blackliesmatter crew under the bus in Dallas. He will denounce them and distance himself from them.
Expect him to give platitudes about how it was a well intentioned cause, but it was intended to be nonviolent. Instead, radical elements have usurped the cause and done this. He might go so far as to blame the Amish. OK, no Amish, but you get what I meant.
We have all read about the planned riots at the RINO and CPUSA conventions led by DeRay and blessed by Loretta Lynchmob and Barry. They will go off as planned, but this declaration, if it happens, will allow the SCoaMF to stand above the fray he created and lay the blame at the feet of Sanders or even Trump thus clearing the way for him to declare Marshal Law and the traitors in Congress to ratify it.
Seriously, that is what I am expecting. What Hitler did was low down, this is skullduggery at its worst. Blacks commit crimes at a rate that far outstrips their membership in society. Their interaction with the police is on a par with the level of crime, mostly black on black in the community. The number of police involved shootings, while not on par with their representation in society is still below their representation in crime statistical analysis. But every time we hear about an officer involved shooting where the decedent is black, they get all up in arms, riot, loot, and spread violence.
I'm not saying all cops are perfect, there are bad apples under every tree. It is rare for a bad cop to stay around for long. They jeopardize the safety of other officers and are a liability in court. Cops will cover for other cops to a point, but once it is clear an officer did wrong, most good cops will throw bad cops under the bus faster than Barry threw Reverend Wrong err Wright.
I will add to that that even good cops make mistakes. Every time you hear about a not guilty verdict, it means a cop made a mistake. Don't take that to mean they were wrong, but in court every I must be dotted, every T crossed, and every plausible event covered. Some times events move so swiftly that they don't get a warrant right or some other thing happens that allows a perp to walk.
We as a society believe in our Police. We believe in law and order based on the laws we enacted. We want good cops, and for the most part we have great ones.
What we may be witnessing, if I am correct, is the subjugation of that law and order. Make that strangulation. in 2008 I do not think the military we had would move against the people. the last 7 1/2 years have seen a realignment in the military that makes such an event plausible. Most privates and lower ranking NCOs will follow orders no matter what. With Barry's scrubbing of the middle and upper ranks we have leaders who will do what we never imagined possible.
Keep your powder dry my friends.
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
It sucks to be right
I have been saying for two years now that HiLIARy would skate, and today it was confirmed. Is there any one who honestly believes that this administration would go after her? The last two years have been a white wash to control the narrative. Trey Gowdy is a globalist, a Wall Street owned hack. That became obvious during the run up to the southern primaries.
One thing the candidacy of Donald Trump has done is shed light on the dark underbelly of uniparty politics in Washington. The Select report showed it, and today's announcement by the Feral Bastards of Incompetence makes it clear, once and for all that they, the globalists could not give two shits about what you and I think.
Clinton was part of the Soros controlled administration of Barry Soetoro, the moslime pervert from Kenya. She was doing the bidding of the globalist cabal he funds when the whole Benghazi fiasco began. Not just the attack, the whole gun running scheme, Fast and Furious on methamphetamine.
It is now clear the plan was to destabilize the Mediterranean rim and cause a mass "refugee" event with the purpose of further destabilizing Europe. BRexit threw a monkey wrench in the works, but rest assured, they are moving to deal with that while we sleep celebrate and party. Every step they take is a relentless march toward Armageddon. They though do not believe in GOD, so them being led is easy.
They follow money and their own craven desires. To. A. Man.
Clinton is just as much a part even though her ambitions seem more self centered. How thoroughly they control the upcoming election is any body's guess. With the increased presence of electronic voting, rigging of elections is becoming child's play for them. No more spending hours stuffing ballot boxes, the Diebold machines make it a snap. It is not who votes that counts, but rather who counts the votes. The globalists are in charge. Make no mistake. Cankles will not carry the voters. If she wins, it will be pure fraud. Make no mistake. They intend to ram her down our throats.
A mexican man was sitting at the end of the bar, shaking like a leaf and chugging tequella.
After a bit the bartender had a minute and approached him. "Jose, what's wrong?"
Oh, Senior, today I saw El Diablo.
You saw el Diablo?
Si, senior, with my own eyes. I was riding my donkey when suddenly he appeared, riding a great black horse and holding a pistola. He laughed when he got close. Then he pointed the pistola at me and said, "Kiss the donkey". What could I do? He has the pistola, so I kiss the donkey.
The donkey like it very much. He shit right there. El Diablo, he say, eat the shit. What can I do? he has pistola, so I eat the shit.
El Diablo think it very funny, he laugh so hard he fall of the horse. I immediately jump over and grab the pistola. I point it at him and I say, "Now you kiss the donkey." What can he do? I has pistola. He kiss the donkey. Donkey like it very much, he shit again. I say, now eat the shit.
What can he do, I has pistola. He began eating shit.
The bar tender says, "You really saw El Diablo?"
Si senior, we had lunch together.
And the moral of the story is, if you don't have a pistol, be prepared to eat a lot of shit, cause the donk's are full of it and el diablo is their (wo)man.
One thing the candidacy of Donald Trump has done is shed light on the dark underbelly of uniparty politics in Washington. The Select report showed it, and today's announcement by the Feral Bastards of Incompetence makes it clear, once and for all that they, the globalists could not give two shits about what you and I think.
Clinton was part of the Soros controlled administration of Barry Soetoro, the moslime pervert from Kenya. She was doing the bidding of the globalist cabal he funds when the whole Benghazi fiasco began. Not just the attack, the whole gun running scheme, Fast and Furious on methamphetamine.
It is now clear the plan was to destabilize the Mediterranean rim and cause a mass "refugee" event with the purpose of further destabilizing Europe. BRexit threw a monkey wrench in the works, but rest assured, they are moving to deal with that while we sleep celebrate and party. Every step they take is a relentless march toward Armageddon. They though do not believe in GOD, so them being led is easy.
They follow money and their own craven desires. To. A. Man.
Clinton is just as much a part even though her ambitions seem more self centered. How thoroughly they control the upcoming election is any body's guess. With the increased presence of electronic voting, rigging of elections is becoming child's play for them. No more spending hours stuffing ballot boxes, the Diebold machines make it a snap. It is not who votes that counts, but rather who counts the votes. The globalists are in charge. Make no mistake. Cankles will not carry the voters. If she wins, it will be pure fraud. Make no mistake. They intend to ram her down our throats.
A mexican man was sitting at the end of the bar, shaking like a leaf and chugging tequella.
After a bit the bartender had a minute and approached him. "Jose, what's wrong?"
Oh, Senior, today I saw El Diablo.
You saw el Diablo?
Si, senior, with my own eyes. I was riding my donkey when suddenly he appeared, riding a great black horse and holding a pistola. He laughed when he got close. Then he pointed the pistola at me and said, "Kiss the donkey". What could I do? He has the pistola, so I kiss the donkey.
The donkey like it very much. He shit right there. El Diablo, he say, eat the shit. What can I do? he has pistola, so I eat the shit.
El Diablo think it very funny, he laugh so hard he fall of the horse. I immediately jump over and grab the pistola. I point it at him and I say, "Now you kiss the donkey." What can he do? I has pistola. He kiss the donkey. Donkey like it very much, he shit again. I say, now eat the shit.
What can he do, I has pistola. He began eating shit.
The bar tender says, "You really saw El Diablo?"
Si senior, we had lunch together.
And the moral of the story is, if you don't have a pistol, be prepared to eat a lot of shit, cause the donk's are full of it and el diablo is their (wo)man.
Monday, July 4, 2016
Have a Safe and Happy 4th
And thanks to our service members, Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines for 240 Years of Freedom.
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Who will Trump pick for VP?
I have no clue whom he has chosen. My belief is he made the decision a while back, and is waiting to reveal it at a time when it will have the greatest strategic value.
There are two paths he can take, one, he pick a person who would seamlessly fill his shoes should something happen to him. Something like a Truman, a Johnson, either one would be unbearable.
The second type is the Gaffer Joe selection, some one so inept and stupid that no one, not even Kim Jong Un would want to kill him.
The revelation will come, and it will happen at a point in time where it will steal the press cycle for at least a day. Expect it to rob HiLIARy of her thunder at some near point.
There are two paths he can take, one, he pick a person who would seamlessly fill his shoes should something happen to him. Something like a Truman, a Johnson, either one would be unbearable.
The second type is the Gaffer Joe selection, some one so inept and stupid that no one, not even Kim Jong Un would want to kill him.
The revelation will come, and it will happen at a point in time where it will steal the press cycle for at least a day. Expect it to rob HiLIARy of her thunder at some near point.
Saturday, July 2, 2016
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