Sunday, April 26, 2020

And just like that its GONE

Evil Google, host of this blog,has deleted the 1993 clip of Larry King where Tara Reade's mother called in and spoke to the host. They have also renumbered the episodes so it appears nothing is amiss.
Is anyone surprised? It would not surprise me in the least to find out that the Communist News Parody Network is in cahoots with  google to do this.
I didn't like it when they pulled the false accusations with Kavanaugh. The roasting was a deliberate attempt to smear his name and drive him from public service.
I don't like that we are getting 27 year old accusations on Biden. They should have been public 26 years ago at the latest. There is convincing evidence this was hushed up back then.
We also have a mountain of evidence that Creepy Joe has not changed his ways from then to now. The people in the donk establishment have seen this and fully know what they are unleashing on America. Then again, we have a long list of perverted Presidents. Slick Willie and back, LBJ, JFK, FDR, Biden fits in like a democrat at a Klan meeting.
I'm more concerned about his dementia. Okay, okay, he acts more and more like a democrat every day, careful, he might try to drink the bleachbit.

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