At yesterday's Tulsa rally, President Trump told us it was time to reopen the schools. He correctly pointed out that children have a very low incidence of illness from the Wuhan Flu. He also highlighted the importance of education.
While he is correct on both points, I disagree and say keep the schools closed. Our schools are not educating our children. At best they are indoctrinating them. Shutter the buildings, abandon the concept. Go back to at home schooling.
Make parents responsible for what their children are taught and get the feral government and the statist maroons out of it entirely.
I realize that for many parents staying home and teaching their off spring is not an option. Putting off child bearing is hardly an option when the kids are six.
What is an option is pooling resources and private schooling without any institutional involvement.
Lets create a fictional person, Mary. Mary has a desire to teach, has gone to college and has a degree.
Let Mary advertise for students. Interested parents can contact her, find out what her proposed curriculum would be and decide if they want to entrust Mary with educating their kids.
Give every parent a voucher for their children, Let's say $5,000 per child. If Mary decides to take on twenty kids, that is $100,000 in her pocket for a year's work less costs such as renting a class room which can be any suitable room, utilities, and basic supplies.
If Mary is a great teacher, she would not be bound by the voucher. She could choose to offer at a higher rate. The catch is, the parents would be responsible for paying the higher fees.
If Mary is a poor teacher, or if her course work is deplorable, parents would have the option to selct a different education provider.
Let's make teaching as independent as doctors, liars err lawyers, dentists and every other service provider. Let's eliminate the waste and overhead we now have where we pay communist to indoctrinate our children rather then teach them.
I've said this before, I'll say it again and again and again. Our future is our children. lets not surrender them without a fight.
Shake Shake Shake! Shake Dat Booty!
17 minutes ago
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