Merry Christmas. Its been one heck of a year. I found out late last fall that all my wifes illness was mere fakery. As she is on SSI and has been for a long time, it took me a little while to digest that she was scamming me.
Life got better though. She left me. She and her liar err lawyer are attempting to gouge a huge chunk out of my assets. She should be happy with what she got. It cost me several hunderd thousand to find out it was all fake!
2010 has been a year of reconcilliation for me, coming to terms with just how evil a seemingly nice woman can be.
In the next few months, I will be attempting to rebuild my life. Maybe years. A combination of a democrat economy, old age, and everything else is slowing me down just a tad.
Still, I rejoice in the celebration of the birth of Jesus. I am not bent on revenge, I know that GOD will pay her back for her evil in more ways than I ever could.
I'm spending Christmas at homew this year. I was back home for Thanks Giving whe nthe weather was nicer. Minnesota winters can be hard. Last years was.
Mom turns 91 next month. My oldest sister just turned 70, and my youngest brother will be 59. Dang that makes me feel old. All my family are old farts.
I have one remaining aunt and uncle, moms siblings. Not sure how old exactly they are, my uncle says he is only slightly younger then dirt, and is continuall asking his sisters about some uncle named Noah.
All the same, I hope each and every one of you has a great Christmas. may your stocking be filled with treats, the tree surronded by presents, and a years supply of ammo for the new rifle(s).
Oh, and no shooting trophy reindeer off the roof. Ya aint Bubba J.
Nobody likes a meanie
44 minutes ago
I used to be married too. For the first 5 years I would have bet my life that my wife would never do anything to hurt me. As the 2nd 5 years came and went, I found out a far uglier side of the girl. And I do mean ugly.
I didn't have any money to loose like you, but I lost everything else except a 25 year old pick-up truck. I still look at women with doubt snf skepticism--even when they are talking to me in church!
oh, and its good to see that you got your comments section working correctly!
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