That's not what American Pravda put in their headline, but its the bottom line. monetary problems continue for the airlines. Few people are flying, yet air travel is cheaper, faster, and safer then driving. Those are cold hard facts. Today though, many people choose to drive rather then tolerate the thugs at the air ports.
We, the greatest nation on earth are in rapid decline. People are trading an appearance of safety and security for freedom. The TSA needs to be scrapped. We still need airport security, but lets be smart about it.
1.Profile! Most people bu their ticket weeks or months in advance. Thats ample time to do a screening so the security people know who to watch and who is not likely to be a risk.
2. Carry on planes. People with CCWpermits have undergone thorough screening by their state law enforcement. Let them carry on planes. They should declare to the airline in advance that they are a CCW holder, and the air line, not any government body should decide whether or not to approve them.
3. Police on planes. Lots of cops fly every day. They should be able to carry no matter what. Right now, the only ones allowed to carry on planes are Air Marshall's and Government couriers. Most of them stick out like a sore thumb, or worse. Its kinda hard to get an Air Marshall on board with out everyone knowing exactly who they are. They are required to dress well, and they have to get their weapon through security, so everyone knows who they are if they are paying attention.
4. Arm the pilots. Create a back stop behind the cockpit so passengers will be at minimal risk if the pilot needs to open fire.
5. Let the air lines manage their own security assessment. Its their plane, they are the ones who will lose a fine aircraft if it is blown out of the sky.
Yes, air travel is safe, if you don't mind having some one maul your privates. Lets make it really safe and stop the gropers.
The Musk effect: Where is our money going?
8 minutes ago
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