Friday, August 30, 2013


Obungler is set to attack Syria. They pose no threat to the United States. The war there is between Alquaida and the Syrian regime. Neither is a good group. We have no interests in Syria at this time.
The only reason I can see for any attack on Syria would be to prevent WMDs falling into the hands of the terrorists. If some thug leader wants to use chemical weapons on his own people, what is that to us? ( OK, mooslimes, a good thing.)
The Constitution gives the power to declre war to congress. Congress could turn Obambi on his ear by declaring war on the islamist faction who are in Syria. That would put a crimp in the ass holes style. Instead, we have Obozo, once again, making war with OUR military, and without authorization. At least Hitler had his puppet Reichstag give him the power to attack Poland. I guess we can cross Hitler analogies off our list of disses to piss off libtards, Barry is much much worse.
My take? Since several groups have threatened to attack Israel if we do anything to Syria, this may be his way of assaulting GOD's chosen people. May he fail.


Heisenbug said...

The only reason I can see for any attack on Syria would be to prevent WMDs falling into the hands of the terrorists.

ROFLOL! Where do you think the "rebels" got the chemical weapons in the first place? Straight from the CIA's "advisors", funded by the Saudis. Obungler is providing aid and comfort, pure and simple.

Gregory said...

Heisenbug: You're full of it. Like China or Russia never had those kind of weapons. With you idiots its ALWAYS the CIA. And, by the way, Syrian government knows how to build rockets so putting chemicals in them as the payload is no big leap.

JeremyR said...

Actually Heisenburg, most of the WMD in Syria came from Iraq. The ywere smuggled over the border in the last weeks prior to our invasion. I have no doubt that the wmds from Libya ended up in the hands of the islamists, and I said a long time ago that I thought the whole Benghazi affair included weapons smuggling. I don't lay that at the feet of the CIA though, their orders come from higher up.