Sunday, September 10, 2017

Can't we talk about this?

Why can't we talk about islam? Since 9-11-01 politicians the world over have actively been working to suppress free speech. In Europe, to proclaim the truth, that there is no god named allah, and that mohamad was a pedophile will land you in jail.
Pam Geller and a number of others have made a movie aptly titled Can't we talk about this? Even in the United States free speech about this will get you targeted.
Never forget that immediately after the unprovoked assault sixteen years ago, Then President Bush proclaimed in his address to the nation the lie that islam is a religion of peace. In the years since, any activity that mocks islam has resulted in attacks by that hate group. After the Garland Draw mohamed event, islamists held a stand with the prophet event and decried islamophobia immediately after members of their sick cult had attacked the free speech event.
Tomorrow marks the sixteenth anniversary of the senseless murder of  nearly 3,000 people who had done nothing to islam. Since then, at least 31,711 deadly terror attacks have been carried out in the name of the moon god allah by the lunatic followers of his satanic teachings, yet the fools we elect insist on calling it a religion of peace, neither of which are true.


Gregory said...

Makes me sick.. I think that our leaders are scared to death of islam and its followers. I hate those..'leaders'.

JeremyR said...

Don't know that they are scared, Some times this seems more like the plot from Alien, they think they can control the monster, and want to use it for their purposes. They want one world government, and one with out religious morals. Use islam to eliminate Christianity, then eliminate islam.