Monday, April 2, 2018


A Navy Friend told me this one;
As their ship was getting ready to make port, most of the crew who were not needed were gathered on deck preparing for liberty. The Officer of the Deck (correct term?) was responsible for ensuring that sailors departing the ship were in regulation dress.
One sailor was decidedly not. This chap was an older guy, his dress whites weren't. His shoes had a Hershey bar shine, and he was missing his head gear. The lowly young ensign tasked with the job spotted this dirt bag and ripped into him, telling him to go below, and report back in zero five mikes with his shoes shined, and proper head gear.
As the sailor departed, the men standing around were all snickering. That ensign had sure showed who was boss.
Well, that dirt bag was back up in about zero two. No head gear, no shine, but he'd added one thing to his wardrobe. Poking the ensign on his shoulder, he bellowed, "Hey, you, have I got your attention? Do you see this?" Pointing at the addition to his uniform, a Congressional Medal of Honor. "do you know what you are supposed to be doing right now? That's right shit bird, you are supposed to be locked at attention saluting."
He continued, " when I'm wearing this I am entitled to an NCO and an Officer to escort me where ever I go what ever I do. Guess what shit bird, you are going to be MY escort today. Forget going home to your wife. Forget hugging your baby brat, you will be accompanying me to the strip clubs, bars and dives of this town. All Fucking Night."
That sailor was what many of would term a misfit. He didn't shine his shoes. he didn't shave properly. He didn't stand pretty at attention. What he did, and did well, was fight. He earned that Medal of Honor on a river boat in Vietnam. His river boat was hit by an RPG and sank. The entire crew, including him, was wounded. Some gravely. A rescue helio was shot down and crashed into the river near the foundered boat. This misfit did his job and more though and managed to rescue the copter's crew. He then managed to maintain suppressing fire from the boats machine guns and direct strikes enabling another helicopter to hover. He loaded the chopper crew, and his own crew into the sling and made sure they were safe. Lastly, he was extracted.
Misfit? Yup. He sure aint no garret trooper.

Miked Allen, calling us misfits aint an insult.

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