I will begin by telling you I am not a good Christian. I am a sinner. I need a Savior. I have a Savior. The Bible is the word of GOD. Jesus is called in John, the word of GOD made flesh. The Bible is History, it is His Story.
The Catholic Church is in a downward spiral. It is imploding over recent revelations about homosexual conduct by some Priests. Too many priests, and it was covered up by the church all the way up to the Pope. Is this the end of the Catholic Church? Saint Malachy's prophesy seems oddly accurate about now.
The last few years have seen a sudden extreme rise in homosexuals demanding equality. They want to marry, they want to be recognized as an equal family unit to a husband and wife. They want to be allowed to adopt children, and they are attacking Christianity as they do it.
Some Churches have caved to the homosexuals. Some have gone so far as to rewrite the Bible and make it genderless.
Some people still have the guts to stand up and tell the truth. Jim Goad isn't gonna be popular in some circles. Pretty soon his family will be treated like Sarah Sanders family was. GOD told us this was coming. We will be persecuted for his Name's sake.
GOD condemns many things, not just homosexuality. Do you like prostitutes? GOD condemns that. Are you greedy? GOD doesn't like that either. We are all sinners, non of us are perfect. That said, we all need to be reminded that GOD wants us to turn away from our sins and to Him. He wants the adulterer to quit just as much as he wants the homosexual to stop.
We should no more tell a homosexual that it is ok as to tell a child molester that assaulting kids is ok. Neither is ok, and neither will enter heaven with out repentance and a Savior. It's time to quit telling people that the things GOD calls abominations are OK.
Finally, some help
1 minute ago
Dam straight. All of it. Good writing.
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