About this time every election we begin to ask this question. By now the Republican are hip deep in stupid comments, idiotic actions, and incomprehensible policy ideas. This year though the question is fairly asked about the donks. America's evil socialists seem bent on throwing the election. everything they do seems designed to anger voters and drive moderates away from the polls and their party. Ethnic cleansing in a manner of speaking.
Repeal the tax cuts? Sane people see how those helped get the economy back into gear.
Protest Kavanaugh? That circus alone may cost them at least two Senate seats.
The pound-me-too movement? Seems the only fish they got were reliable liberal owners err donors.
The antifa bowel movement? Mobs vs jobs. The parallels to nazi Germany are not lost on people.
And right there may be the key. if they throw the election with their childish antics, you can bet the children, undisciplined and unaware that actions have consequences, will be doubly angry. Can any one think of a better way to incite them to massive violence? Suppose that were to happen? What would the governments do? Well, they won't be rioting in rural Kansas. They would find their keesters in the back of a honey wagon bound for a field, and the wagon woldn't be one bit empty.
Instead, they will be rioting in their safe spaces. Places like Port-outlandish, Chiraq, Detoilet, The usual long list of socialist run hell holes, they will be burning down their own houses.
So what? As in decades past, when the smouldering brew reaches a certain point, The federal government will feel the need to intervene and protect innocent lives and property. While necessary, it is not a good plan from a PR perspective. Remember Kent State? Such actions may be what Soros et-al want from President Trump, an attack on the childish monsters would be a great reason to demand UN intervention.
Yes, we have veto power, but in a case like that, the UN might choose to ignore our veto and move ahead with a plan to quell, not the revolt, but the response to it.
We have been teetering on the brink of full scale civil war for quite a while now. China through their control of google is working to fuel that rage. So are other groups. this is a dangerous chess game, and while I trust President Trump, our adversaries are not at all trust worthy. Nor are they completely predictable.
Pick a player, Russia, China, Canada, Iran, they all hate us, they all would like to see us taken down a couple of notches. Our economy is what drives the world. We are the economic engine, but these welfare riders want to steal and strip it. They don't want to become us, they want us to become them. They will back a socialist rebellion in the United States, cut off their noses to spite their faces.
Is that the goal George Soros and the other power brokers have? Is that their goal?
Looking back again at nazi Germany, After Hitler came to power, the brown shirts wanted to continue the revolt. That is why they had the night of the long knives. They got rid of their street thug's leaders.
These kids in antifa don't know their history. Just as Hitler had his night of the long knives, Russia had it's purges, so did China, so did Vietnam, and just about every country that made the mistake of becoming socialist. These kids are pawns. Their job is to die screaming in battle. remember the movie The Big Red One? Remember the D-Day scene where they are placing the Bangalore torpedo to breach the defenses? All these kids are is positions one two three and four, there to get killed, they just don't realize how little their life means to the power hungry.
Your Monday Morning Florida Report
28 minutes ago
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