Tuesday, May 19, 2020

do you not know that a prince & a great man has fallen today?

Ravi Zacharias, one of the greatest Christian Apologists of our time has passed away from cancer at the age of 74. Ravi was born in India and converted to Christianity at the age of 17.
An Apologist is a person who gives reason for an action. We all think of an apology as simply saying "I'm sorry" but that is not what an apology is about. It is also giving an intellectual reason for what you did. Most times, sadly, when we apologize, it is "I thought it was funny at the time'"
Evangelists point us to Christ Crucified. They spread the Gospel, the good news of Christ and forgiveness of sins. Apologists give pointed arguments for faith in Christ as opposed to faith in Buddha or the lunatic pedophile from Medina. Their job is to state clearly why Christians believe what we believe and to show that this is not blind faith. It is not intellectual short straws clinging to guns and religion in the face of strong scientific evidence.
Ravi was one of the best, and I would like to believe that he was welcomed with great flare. If you are not familiar with him and his message, his many broadcasts are available at RZIM and also on youtube.
Mike Pence counted him as a friend.

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