Back a few years ago, a group of men got together and charted a course for our nation. They had just gotten done kicking ass on the baddest toughest nation on the planet and they did not want to repeat the same mistakes which had caused the problems which compelled them to say shove off.
They wanted a nation where government did not control any aspect of people's lives. The basic idea was a nation where government was responsible for maintaining roads, protecting borders, punishing criminals, and keeping their nose out of other people's businesses.
That notion of limited government set in motion a transformation where in a small group of settlers clustered on the coast would spread over the continent building businesses and agriculture, and spurring intellectual and scientific development so great that a mere 152 years after it's formation,it would be the sleeping giant awakened in anger whose might would crush tyranny in Europe and Asia.
Along the way the men and women of that nation had a bit of learning to do, and they did it.
Our nation has led the world in scientific development, medical pioneering, Agriculture, you name it. we are the greatest nation on the planet.
One of the mistakes we made of course, was slavery. As bad as slavery was and is, the ancestors of the roughly thirty million blacks who now live here probably would not have journeyed to America of their own accord, and without slavery, almost all of those thirty million blacks would not be alive at all. In short, each of us is the product of the mistakes of our elders.
The system that was created here launched a massive industrial revolution. I could give a list of the men who made significant contributions. Most of them wold be white and of European heritage. Does that make our system racist?
We, the human race, are shaped by DNA. our DNA is mostly unique. No one is at risk of giving birth to a horse, a cat, or a monster. Okay, monsters like Jeffery Dahlmer do happen. Differences in our DNA account for the vast differences in our appearance. Short, tall, fat, thin, black, white, yellow, or brown, it is all controlled by the switches in the genes we inherited from mom and pop.
beyond the few DNA that control our appearance though most of them are relatively the same. Same heart, same teeth. Inside, from the roots of our hair to the callouses of our feet, we are the same.
Given that level of similarity, can a system be developed which would be exclusionary to people whose skin is a different color yet whose blood is impossible to differentiate?
Our nation has seen many success stories of men and women who are black. I view Obama as a fraud and a huckster, but he was able to successfully rise from a dope head in Hawaii to the Presidency. Ban Carson is an eminent surgeon, Herman Cain a successful business leader. Colin Powell was a brilliant general, but we are to believe that blacks cannot succeed in the system that created the greatest nation in the world?
Yet today, most blacks in this country live in poverty. Their neighborhoods are crime ridden, their families broken. Their children choose to drop out of school, elect to take drugs and have babies out of wedlock. Is that the system's fault? we have whites making the same poor choices. The thing that separates black and white is peer pressure. That is changing, not for the good, It used to be that a white girl who had a baby out of wedlock was scorned and treated as a tramp. A white man who did not support his children was considered a deadbeat and was treated accordingly.
we have universities set aside which are for blacks only. are they racist? do they not teach their students? we have affirmative action in our other universities which ensure that blacks are admitted on the color of their skin and no consideration given to whether they are academically as proficient as their white and Asian counterparts. Are we to believe they are incapable of learning? The vast majority of blacks today supposedly possess a small measure of white blood or so we are told. The female slaves were used as sex toys by the white masters. Or so we are told. If that is the case, why doesn't their white DNA empower them to success?
What about all the black professional athletes? How many members of the NBA and NFL have gotten rich here? Is the systematic racism holding them down? Yet with all those success stories, if you are white you are automatically racist.
If a white man died from a drug overdose while in police custody after attempting to pass a fake twenty dollar bill, no one would riot in his name. No buildings would be burnt, no stores looted and it would not be national news for months.
So, tell me how it is that a system which has produced millionaires and billionaires is able to exclude people simply on the basis of the color of their skin?
Just the latest test, too extreme?
42 minutes ago
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