A lot of people are decrying what the donks are doing to Creepy Joe, calling it elder abuse. Sorry, this is no worse imho than the people who post photos on Reddit and say roast me.This is what the democrats do to everyone.
At every election they pander to the black community telling them that the republicans will have them back in chains. They pander to the unions telling them that the republicans will end worker's rights. women also get the treatment being told that back alley abortions are coming back.
Name one group the democrats don't abuse because as soon as the election is over, they do nothing for the people who voted them in. They then have the audacity to repeat it it two years later.
Joe has a long history of sticking his feet in his mouth. The two step he does switching them rivals the moves of any dance routine on any stage in America. Now, like a long neglected furnace, the filters are mostly gone and all the pollution, verbal in this case, is flung about. I for one find it entertaining.
Are you expecting to see Joe out campaigning much this year? I expect he will make HiLlARy look tireless. They will have to keep him under wraps as much as possible. The road show will be all up to their veep pick. Imagine Horizontal Harris fronting the show. She was soundly rejected by the low-fo voting block, so having her try to win over moderates and conservatives?
Abrams Tank? Same issue, Georgia didn't like her why would the rest of humanity?
As for Joe, if the media ever printed the facts, people would think they'd been hacked by the Babylon Bee.
The worry this year, greater due to the dempanic, is voter fraud to steal the elections in swing states. They proved they have a working model in 2018 when they lynched voters in Orange County California. That is what we must prevent from becoming the new normal.
This is 1860 revisited. If you think we are not in a civil war, you are mistaken. here our first war was largely geographical given the core issue of slavery, This time we will see brother against brother and neighbor against neighbor. Ammo is getting scarce, weapons are selling like snow cones at a county fair. when the music stops, you will have only what you stocked up prior to the worst day of your life.
GOD, help us.
Just the latest test, too extreme?
1 hour ago
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