Monday, December 24, 2012

Is this child abuse?

An article today on Yahoo, the communist propaganda site, is writte nby a person who claims they are an antitheist, yet send their child to a Catholic school. Seems their kid got told she was going to hell for not believing. Truth sucks, and its especially hard for an eight year old with a vivid imagination.
But is it bullying for one child in a Catholic school to tell another that you must believe in Jesus to be saved? Is it bullying to tell some one who is speeding toward a collapsed bridege that the bridge is gone and they need to slow down and stop to avoid being killed? Is it bullying to tell an alcoholic  or drug addict that they are killing themself?
An alcoholic will hate you for telling him the truth until he is ready to admit the truth to himself. I guess antitheists are the same way. They know deep down in their conscience that GOD is real. The Bible says that the fool says in his heart there is no GOD. One translations says insane person. We have people today who fancy themselves to be very smart. They cannot look ata car and not see inteligent design because they know Detroit exists. Well, it used to. They cannot fathom that since two cars have similar head lamps or wheels that it is because its an idea that works, and then look at the eyes of men and animals and see that GOD recycled his best ideas when he made us. We are created in his image.
I feel sorry for the child in that story, assuming she is real. Deep inside her she knows there is a GOD. Deep inside she knows she is not a cosmic accident, yet her mom is set on damning her to hell. Mom is the abuser.


Gregory said...

I went to that article and left several comments. I have an idea. Why don't the author take her child and enroll it in an islamic run school?

JeremyR said...

My bet Greg is that the kid aint ugly enough for a hajab, and chances are mom is afraid that after she learned to make a bomb vest, she would use it at home instead of Times Square.