Friday, March 14, 2014


When Muslim parents have to use the...

"Open wide, here comes the airplane!" technique, do they just smash it in their face and make explosive noises?


Gregory said...

Bwaaaahahaha. Had to send this to my facebook page--with credit to you of course. Great one for a Friday.

JeremyR said...

Probably in bad taste given the events in Malaysia. I post these several weeks in advance, then forget about em.

JeremyR said...

Probably in bad taste given the events in Malaysia. I post these several weeks in advance, then forget about em.

Gregory said...

Nope. Not bad taste. All muslim nations deserve all the crap that we can throw at them. And I am sure that none of those families who lost loved ones spend any time looking at blog sites with humor in them. But, I am sad for the non-muslimes involved. I hate islam with most of my thinking.