History will have a field day shaming President Trump's supporters. We all know the creed that history is written by the winners. Aint so. The History books are written by the leftists. Look at what has been written about the cold war, and the rise and fall of communism. Gorbechev is the hero? To this day the people who write the history books trash President Ronald Reagan. He dared to say it, his vision was, we win, they lose. We won, so why isn't President Reagan given the god like status they convey on the stuttering clusterfuck?
What about the story of Vietnam? Even today the history, whether you want the nooks, or the music version, our soldiers are made out to be subhuman animals, or poor uneducated minorities forced to fight a war they opposed. In reality, they were our brightest and best. Highly trained, highly educated, not the unemployable riffraff portrayed by movies like Rambo.
Short is right. History will not be kind to us. They will lie about us, claim we were misled by the Rooskies, claim the campaign was smoke and mirrors and that HiLlARy would have won if not for the interference and the fact we are stupid slow uneducated deplorables.
Maybe America needs better historians.
Larwyn’s Linx: What else will they lie to you about?
25 minutes ago
Exactly why I keep a set of pre-1970 encyclopedias on hand. The revisionists had not gotten going before then.
Greg, they had. Not as strongly as they are doing now, but the revisionism has been going on for over a hundred years. A large part of it started when they began building military bases to train the soldiers for WW1. Since many of the bases were to be located in southern states, they had to mollify the population, many of whom remembered the civil war. That is why the history of many of the southern generals got a white wash. How many bases are named for northern generals? How many are named for Southern Icons?
I respect the men who fought for the south. I do not respect the institution of slavery. It was constitutional though, and sad as that may be, had we not had slavery, most of those blacks would have ended up dead.
It took a good deal of modification to get to where we are now, and they did it in small increments. The irony is that now that it is no longer socially acceptable, they are more than happy to toss those men back under the bus.
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