Thursday, May 31, 2018

How big was the crowd?

The New York slimes has edited their report about President Trump's event in Nashville, now reporting that at least five times the number of people were in attendance, of what they first reported. In their initial story, they claimed that there were a thousand in attendance. Technically true, but those thousand had a few friends present as well. I didn't say they corrected the story did I?
The Nashville Municipal Auditorium has a capacity for events in the round of 9,700. So, I ask, was the place filled to capacity? Were there people outside who were unable to get in? Breitbart estimated the crowd at 8,000. Sizeable, but not near capacity, unless there were many extra security precautions taken that limited access.
Once again, the lame stream media seeks to deceive. These shills for communism are each hoping that they will be chosen to be the new Pravda when in all likelihood, they will be exterminated as has been done with every communist revolution. Remember, Vietnam disappeared many of the Vietcong who helped them enslave the nation.

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