Thursday, August 9, 2018

Hollywood loves you

The uneducated and uneducatable elitists of the left coast bubble are taking to twitter again to mock ridicule and condemn people who didn't vote the way they wanted them to vote. They were especially hard on the green party people who are liberal at heart, but obviously want nothing to do with the hate fest of communism.
Remember all this in the weeks and month ahead. These people are going to up the game. You are going to see more anger coming from this crowd as support for their openly communist agenda is turned away by common people, us deplorables, in swing states, and frankly in swing counties through out the nation.
I'm not the only one fed up with these leftards. It is easy to send them a message that will get through though, quit going to movies, quit watching their drivel on TV and the internet, and quit buying from he companies who actively support left wing causes like Frito Lay and Budweiser.
My television is switched OFF. If I watch anything, it is OANN, One America News Network.


Gregory said...

I don't get OANN but I do get NewsMax. I think that they might be less liberal than even Fox.

JeremyR said...

One America News is available on the web.