Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Now they want to cancel the State of the Union

Nancy P. Lousy and the communists in Washington, or is it Puerto Rico, have sent a letter to President Trump asking that the State of the Union be postponed until after they have impeached him for making them shut down the government the shut down is resolved. Her stated concern is safety. Her real concern is that President Trump will pack the gallery with Angel Moms and the families of victims of deportable aliens. Right now another caravan of invaders is forming in Guatemala, this one organized by Norwegian globalists. By the 29th, this group will be marching and messing their way through Mexico. Mexico is in turmoil because of the bunch who swept north to interfere with hte 2018 election. Those people are costing the Mexican government millions of Pesos every day, or roughly the price of one of the Big Macs that the President bought with his own money for the Clemson Tigers. OK, I exaggerate, but those people are proving a severe burden on Mexico, one which we would be bearing had the President not acted decisively.
Are the democrats taking this shut down seriously? It seems they are taking it less seriously than I am, and I'd be happy to let it continue to the 2020 election. The dems went to Puerto Rico instead of doing their job and working on a budget. OK, they don't want a wall, we all get that they have flip flopped yet again. They need their cheap gardeners and house cleaners. They especially need the votes of the ones who can get their hands on a ballot like just happened in California. What about their voters whose SNAP benefits are about to fail? I guess they give as much of a shit about them as me. Gee, I didn't know I was a democrat.
 The simple fact is that a majority of Americans want the border wall built. Many of us don't really care about the people coming here in search of work. If they perform a service, stay out of trouble, and don't bring diseases, most people would say let them be. It is when they get welfare, drive drunk, steal rape murder and cause other problems that people get mad and Fast. A larger factor is the increase in opioid and other drug deaths. That is beginning to hit home. Illegal drugs from Mexico are a Yuge part of that equation. Fentanal, originating in Mexico has been implicated in way too many deaths. Meth is another south of the border product as is coke and the crack epidemic.
We are tired of the problems associated with the drug epidemic. No, we aint tripping over them in the park, it is coming home to break ins, thefts of things once thought safe left in the back yard, and the other things addicts do to get their next fix. It is having to clean up apartments after a neighbor who got hooked on Oxycontin died from an over dose, and seeing how devastated his kids are. 
This is the America Nancy P. Lousy wants, one dependent on government. Self sufficient people don't need the gov, and this shut down has hardly been noticed so far.
If, as Steny Hoya says, the SOTU is off, the President can still address the nation. He could hold a rally in Pennsylvania and broadcast from there, or he could sit calmly behind the Resolute desk and make his case for ending the shut down on his terms from there. He does not need to speak from the House chamber to reach the American people. It is the tradition though that matters, and it is the House that will be demeaned if he does not give it in traditional form from their chamber.
San Fran Nan has already lost this battle. May her life as screecher of the House be only two short years.

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