Saturday, January 5, 2019

Something to think about

They make a lot of good points in this video. It may not be 100% accurate, but it far closer than the millions and billions of years evilutionists want to claim.
Ask yourself some questions;
How much animal and plant life did it take to produce the volumes of coal we have today?
Are the fossils found in some of the deposits victims of the flood, or are they the remains of animals that died in the years prior to the flood? I tend to believe they are from animals that died prior to the flood. If they'd perished in th flood there would not be the sorting by size that is seen.
Here in Kansas we have huge layers of sedimentary deposits, mostly limestone and shale that are excavated. They do not show any signs of erosion happening prior to the deposit of the subsequent layers that would be seen if they'd been deposited over many years.
What about the deltas we see formed at many river mouths? How large would they be if they were more than a few thousand years old? Look at how the Mississippi extent has grown in only a little over a hundred years of farming and the resulting run off.
We live on a young earth if you want to consider 6,000 years young. The signs are obvious yet we ignore them as our children are fed lies and fables in the public schools. We are losing our next generation.


Gregory said...

Thanks for posting this vid. I put it on my facebook and emailed the link to friends. Best arguments for the accuracy of the Bible I have ever seen. But, I still grapple with the 'carbon-dating' aspect of science.

JeremyR said...

Carbon dating is based on the assumption that all carbon in plants and animals starts out containing the same ratio of carbon 12 to carbon 14 and that the decay rate is the same. Carbon 14 is produced by cosmic rays acting on nitrogen and carbon in the atmosphere. That carbon is absorbed by plants, then consumed by animals. When the animal dies i quits exchanging he carbon and the level of decay should give the time span that has lapsed.
The problem is that we have no way to know that the ratio of carbon in the atmosphere has remained constant. Right now we are dumping much greater quantities of carbon into the atmosphere. There is also the matter that solar cycles may have an impact on how much carbon 14 is generated in a given span. Then couple that with the quantities of carbon that are spewed by volcanoes, and whether they contain greater of less amounts of carbon 14 and you now have a serious issues. I remember a program back in the mid 70's that stated radio carbon dating was a crock. As I remember the other method applied was fossilization. wood turns to fossilized rock at a set rate. They had samples of old wood which based on fossilization were a couple thousand years old but radio carbon dating placed them as being millions of years old.