The sad part is, I think he may already have received it.
When this story first hit the main stream, Martin was painted as a wholesome black kid who did well in school and was just walking home from the store. The encounter was made out to be at best, a rash act by a scared wanna be cop.
When this first broke, Zimmerman was described as a white Hispanic. Seriously, WTF? OK, its an easy thing to mess up. I'm a white, but I'm darker then most Hispanics, and even darker then some blacks. So if Zimmerman is a white Hispanic, does that make ObamAA+ a White Arab? remember, he's only 1/16th African, 7/16 Arab, half white, and all communist.
Back to Martin. We learned early on that he had been suspended from school. The press tried to tell us it was for excessive tardiness, but his fathers first statements claimed it was for trespassing on school property. Busted AP. Now we learn, that aint true either. he was suspended for having an empty bag that had pot residue on it. That means the little shit was a pusher. Small time maybe, we may never know since juvie records are kept hush hush. Now we learn that he had a prior suspension for being caught with stolen jewelry in his back pack at school. Property he claims belonged to another student whom he refused to name. I'm thinking he is a liar.
We also know he was supposedly grounded at dads place. Grounded? And he is at the 7Eleven? Really? Who are you trying to feed shit to? I know, I know, liberals eat it up.
We now know from witness statements that Martin was on top of Zimmerman. We know that he pursued Zimmerman, punched him knocking him to the ground, and beat his head into the side walk. Yup, just an innocent little black child here.
So how did the gun come out? Did Zimmerman pull it in a last ditch effort to protect himself? If so, he was certainly justified. I doubt that though. The fired shell was still in the chamber. My bet is that in the course of assaulting Zimmerman Martin saw the gun and attempted to take it. If the police were able to dust it for prints, that will give us a good answer.
we know from witness statements that after the shot, Zimmerman was on top of Martin holding him down. Was he really? The first aid for a gunshot is to apply pressure to the wound. Is that what Zimmerman was doing? he may also have been trying to keep Martin down to minimize loss of blood. I don't know, I can only guess. Every detail I read tells me that Martin got justice in the form of a bullet. It was his choice. never bring a knife to a gun fight, and for the love of money, don't come unarmed. The NO_LIMIT_NIGGA now knows his limits.
Closing thoughts, y'all have a good night.
49 minutes ago
1 comment:
Not 'mow'.....NOW
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