Well, not exactly, she did a topless spread for some Eew-you're-a-peon Magazine and it got coverage in TMZ. Seriously, can you believe Vivid offered her a million bucks to pose full nude? They must be wanting to go bankrupt.
Yucktomom is an American of Assyrian Iraqi decent. While not muslim, we never see them near nude, the spread gives you an idea of their genetic make up and clarifies the reason that they wear veils. This also explains why all fourteen of her kids were test tube babies, and her husband, poor guy, never fathered any of them. All I can say is thank GOD our troops are not bringing home trophy brides.
The purpose of this post is not to compete with Denny and Saturday boobage. Go there now for eye relief, I don't have any bleach left.
Closing thoughts, y'all have a good night.
37 minutes ago
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