Now one would expect that with a president as far left as its humanly possible to get, that the liberal freaks would be happy. Instead, we get stuff like occupy, and now this. In previous reporting of militants, the press usually made attempts to link them with conservative movements. The TEA party was brushed by the arrests in Ohio two years ago. Not this time, they come right out and admit they are occutards.
Debbie Kline of occutard Cleveland was quick to disown them, and claim that occupy is a peaceful movement. So why all the arrests? Why do they crap on cop cars, and rape their fellow ocucunts.
The plus side of all this is that leftards are stupid when it comes to guns and explosives. Every redneck knows how to make a bomb that would level a building. We also have enough respect for our fellow man that we wouldn't do such a thing except as a last resort in defense of our home land.
I believe we are headed for an uncivil war. The good news for us on the right is that lefties are this stupid. The bad news is that when its all over, we will need to import short order cooks and janitors to replace all the leftards. The welfare rats and drug thugs won't need replacing, just hose em off the side walk.
You have to wonder though how much these retards were led on by the FBI. I some times wonder if these guys could figure out scratch lotto with out an hour of instruction. Each time they play. I hope the FBI did nothing to encourage them. It would suck if it turned out agents took bumbling fools and turned them into wannabe terrorists. Fools follow. And occupy.
A justice system operated by eunuchs
41 seconds ago
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