Friday, May 4, 2012

Whats the resale value?

I saw this several days ago, and thought it would be a good example of government thrift. Toyota cars and trucks are noted for high resale value. This fleet of five year old cars should bring top dollar. Almost three hundred vehicles, and no body knew they were there? How often does that happen? I am afraid to find out, I fear the number is high. The city is blaming Carlos Alvarez the mayor who was recalled in 2011.
This line is a hoot; "The leading theory is that they might be part of Carlos Alvarez's time as mayor. He was the mayor during the period the Toyotas were purchased." Is that a doh moment? You would think a journalism major could do better, then again, the old Dilbert cartoon where they install automatic lights to save money, then hire a guy to wander arround waving his arms so they sta on while people work might just be accurate, "Another journalism major enters the work force." Says Dilbert to Wally.
So waht do they need with 300 preasses? What department would they be headed for? I cannot see high rankers driving them, and certainly not the police. City inspectors? A truck serves them better. Maybe the school district, that I could see. More likely though, it was a kick back sceme, another Solyndra, but on a local scale.
This is just one more example of green ideas screwing tax payers.

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