Congress is now back in session, and thats not necessarily good news for America. The Dems are determined to move forward with the destruction of health care in America, and it seems they have the votes to do it. It will be four years before we can undo this mess. We will need a super majority in congress to do it before then to over ride an Obamanation veto. There will be a lot of damage to the American health care system as a result. Chances are we will slip from the #1 slot. Don't fool your self. Some preach that we are not the best in hte world, they are liars. America has been the leader for decades. We are the place people come for neded treatments. When a small town in Montana is better equiped to handle a crisis pregnancy then any place in Canada, you know who is tops there. Mexican citizens have been slipping accross the border into california for years to get good treatment. Americans go to Mexico for herbal remedies and goofball drugs. The health systems in Europe handle numbers diffrently. They have to to prevent an uprising. Children who would get NICU treatment in the USA are left to die in England. The citizens there are beginning to revolt, but they are subjects of the state. We are not. We do not have to tollerate our elected representatives treating us like subjects. revolt at the ballot box, they can only stuff so much.
We need ot make the 2010 elections a sweep, throw out all the veteran incumbants, and cull the freshman class. That is how our system is supposed to work, lets make it work for us again.
A few more years of the present BS, and it will be Commiegress.
And I'll leave you with this:
1 hour ago
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Congress is now back in session...
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